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'We need to make a deal.' I tell him

He leans back on the sofa, sitting with his legs spread 'What do you suggest?'

I take a breath 'You can keep pretending that we are together if you hate blind dating that much. If you need me to come over and act, I can do that. I'll give you my schedule so you'll have to work around that.'

'Sounds good. What's in it for you?' He asks

'Keep your hands to yourself. Stop touching me up. It creeps me out with the mood swings.' I tell him, feeling disgusted a bit

'I can't just act like a robot if you're my girlfriend. She's not dumb.' He replies

'Fine, but keep it to a minimum. You can hold my hand.' I tell him making a disgusted face 'But try not no touch my face or hug me much. And do not. Ever. Even. Think. To kiss me.'

'That won't be a problem, but alright. Anything else?' He asks sighing as if he's bored

'Can you not be... this?' I ask him, motioning at him

'What do you mean?' He asks a bit confused

'She means being a rude ass.' Says Yoongi

'Exactly. Thank you.' I chuckle 'What I mean is, there is no need to be rude. I'm doing you a favour here. So try to not be a dick. I've seen pregnant women with less mood swings.'

Hobi starts laughing, getting everyone else to join him. He has an infectious laugh.

Jimin just rolls his eyes and says 'Fine, I'll try.'

'Alright. Obviously, this will have to end at some point.' I tell him

'Don't worry. I'll make it short.' He nods

'Good.' I say lightly slapping my thighs 'Seeing as my work is done here, I shall get going.'

'Okay. Bye babe. Drive safe.' Jimin says, but his face is just flat, no emotion

I cringe at him, scoffing, then leave.

How did I get into this mess. Jesus. I hope he finds someone soon because this is not what I want to do.


I saw her walking out of my house, relieved she's gone.
'This girl is insane.' I sigh, relaxing into my sofa

'Are you sure you're not just frustrated that she's not like most women that want to jump your bones?' Jin jokes laughing

'Yeah I've never seen Jimin get turned down this much. It's a first.' Namjoon agrees

'I don't need her for that.' I reply to them, scoffing

'Yes we are aware of the women you have for that.' Jungkook says rolling his eyes

'What would she say to you cheating on her like that?' Taehyung jokes causing me to cringe

'Pretty sure she would find women for him just to get him off her back.' Hobi stars clapping like a seal

'You know what, you might be right there Hobi.' I agree laughing along

'Why are you so rude to her anyway? She seems genuinely nice.' Yoongi asks

'I don't know. She just vexes me. She is stubborn and always has something to say back.' I tell him

'Now you know how we feel with you.' Namjoon rolls his eyes

'Jimin finally met his match. I'm hearing wedding bells.' Jin jokes imitating the sound of bells and we all laugh at his dumb joke

'You're more than welcome to have her. As long as she doesn't bug me.' I tell them

Pretend Love: What Happens Between Us |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now