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'Home, sweet home' I exhale as I walk into my place, followed by Jimin.

'Honestly, I'm fine to drive.' He complains again

'Cool. You got a room down the hall. You have a shower there as well if you need it.' I completely ignore his complaint

'You really are stubborn as hell, you know.' He says

'I know I am. But so are you. Maybe that's why we butt heads all the time.' I smile at him

He exhales in defeat.
'Fine. I don't wanna argue, I'm too tired.'

'Yayy!' I squeal happy I won, and he laughs at me

'Yep. Weird.' He says passing by, walking to the end of the hall to his room.

'Night, night.' I laugh after him and head to my room.

I hear the shower going off once I'm in my room. He is actually using it.
I might have to do the same. I'm not getting in my bed like this.

I've struggled for 10 minutes to take my dress off, but something got stuck on the back and I can't do it. I continue to struggle as I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

'Oh Jimin, perfect...ti...ming..' I trail off staring at Jimin. He had only a towel wrapped around his waist. His perfectly chiseled body is hard to miss. He's on the skinnier side, but he is so gorgeously built, toned. His arms are musly, much like his chest. He even has a perfect 6 pack. He had a tattoo across his ribs, that's surprising.

Fuck. He's hot.

'Oi, stop drooling.' He claps his hands to wake me up

'Oh, yeah' I clear my throat 'Help. Please.'

'Again?' He sounds annoyed

'My dress is stuck and I can't get out of it. Can you see what the hell is going on?' I ask him, turning my back to him

'Yeah. One of the straps is stuck under the little zipper on the side.' He says after a few moments

'Can you undo it for me? I can't reach it and it's too tight to wiggle out of.' I plead with him

He didn't reply but I could feel his fingers on my back, fiddling with the zipper. He did it in only a few seconds. The only problem is, the entire dress opens up once you do it. So I'm just there in my underwear.

Kind of happy I have sexy lacy underwear on.

'Thanks.' I try to pretend not to be embarassed, turning around to face him. 'What did you need anyway?'

'Do you have anything I can put on? I can't go to bed in the same clothes I wore to the club.'

'Gimme a second. I might have something from my ex. I haven't actually done my wardrobe in months.'

I am walking over to my wardrobe, dropping my dress on the floor in the way. I rummage through the shelves until I finally find something.

'Here. I'm not sure if it's gonna fit you, but that's all I've got.' I turn around to walk to the door, just to find him standing right behind me.

'Um.. Jimin...' I try to speak but his intense stare kind of freezes all my thoughts.

'Thanks.' he says in a very low voice, taking the clothes from my hand.

'S- sure.' He is wayyyy too close.

He steps back and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. I just stare after him for a bit. I'm not sure what that was but it made me really anxious.
I'm used to him being weird but this was a bit more.

Pretend Love: What Happens Between Us |BTS JIMIN FF|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें