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'Luna, my dear, have some more.' Jimin's mom keeps filling my plate

'Mom, she will explode. Even I can't eat that much.' Jimin laughs at her

We are on another one of those acting classes. We've had 2 since we spoke about being friends.
I can't say we were perfect, I still wanted to slap him more than once, but he is trying. He is more relaxed around me. That's all I can really ask.

'I'm afraid he is right. I don't think I can even take a deep breath at the moment.' I laugh

'I'm sorry dear. I just want you to be healthy to bare a grandchild.' She says, causing Jimin to choke on his food a bit

I tap him on his back lightly, to help him.
'Don't worry, I am plenty healthy.' I reassure her

'Thank you.' Jimin says, smiling at me

'Anytime.' I smile at him

'Oh looking at the two of you gives me butterflies. So in love.' She puts her hands together, all happy, looking at us

Jimin and I look at each other and he snorts before we both start laughing. Taheyung and Hobi across the table tried so hard not to laugh. The rest of the guys weren't here today.

'We know mom, we are so very much in love.' He cups one side of my face and caresses my cheek with his thumb. In return I pinch his thigh under the table until he let go of me.

'I better get going. You two have a nice evening together. Maybe make a grandchild.' She adds, getting up. She is really pushing this kid thing.

'I don't think so mom. Not yet.' He says, getting up to hug his mom

'An old lady can hope.' She laughs a little, hugging Jimin.

She hugged everyone else before a driver came to pick her up.

'That was a painful pinch, I'm kind of impressed.' He says rubbing his thigh where I pinched him

'You didn't play by the rules.' I shrug my shoulders

'I feel bad for the guy that tries to sleep with you.' He laughs

'Count this as a special treatment for you baby.' I wink at him

'You would think after all this time the two of them would get used to holding hands or something, but they're still repulsed by each other.' Taehyung comments

'I think they got a bit better. In the past, she would have clawed his face off.' Hobi says

'Oh, are you falling in love with me?' Jimin smirks

'Your mom overfed me, I'm close to throwing it up. Please don't test me.' I tell him, holding my tummy

'Let's get some drinks. These dinners stress me out.' Jimin says laughing and walks past me, sitting down on the couch

'I feel like I lose a year of my life with each one of these.' I agree with Jimin and sit down next to him, half in a food coma

'I've actually got a date, so I'm dipping out.' Says Taehyung

'Oh, look at you go. Have fun.' I tell him, not being able to see him behind me

'Do you mind giving me a lift? I've got some things to pick up on the way.' Hobi asks Taehyung

'Yeah, of course.' Taehyung replies

'Guess we will see you later guys. Please don't kill each other.' Says Taehyung talking to me and Jimin

Both of us wave above our heads, barely breathing, saying 'Bye.'

The just chuckle and leave.

I am exhausted. I've been at work all day, then I came over, and now I ate way too much. I feel like these dinners are happening more often.

Pretend Love: What Happens Between Us |BTS JIMIN FF|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat