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It has been a few days since my parents left. I've felt a lot better since then. Haven't heard from Jimin, not that I expected to.
But I'm ready to go back to my normal routine, which means I'm having dinner with the guys and the girls today.

I missed them. Their chaotic behavior can't be replaced.

'Hello, hello, this seat taken?' I ask as I approach the table

'Oh my God, Luna!' Taehyung jumps up squeezing me

'Hello Tae Tae.' I laugh, hugging him back

'Oh we thought you died.' Says Jungkook coming over to give me a hug as well.

'Oh you're not getting rid of me that easy. I just had loads of work and my parents were in town as well, so I was with them.' I tell him hugging him

Everyone gave me a hug one by one, and Tina and Mina sandwiched me between them, making me laugh.

'Is this a welcome committee?' I hear Jimin's voice behind me.

I turn around and see him and Aoni. He brought her with him. She's walking a bit behind him. This stings more than I thought.

He pulls me in for a hug, which kind of surprised me, but I hugged him back.
'My parents wanted me to say bye for them.' I tell him

'Oh, they left?' He asks

'Yeah, they only stayed for 2 days.' I answer and let go of him. I then look over at Aoni who's looking a bit surprised, not talking

'Hey Aoni. How have you been?' I ask her, giving her a hug

She smiles, giving me a hug back 'Oh same old. Nothing special.'

'Wait, you two know each other?' Hobi asks. I've noticed all the guys looking a bit bewildered

'Yeah, we met. Talked about Jimin being an ass and all that, y'know, fun lunch talk.' I wink at Aoni and she laughs a little, while Jimin rolls his eyes at me.

The guys are still surprised about it, but they smile in response.
Her and Jimin sat down across the table from me, sitting next to each other.

'So how has everyone been? I feel like I haven't seen anyone in ages.' I ask the guys

'Oh I got promoted at work. I'm now an assistant to the CEO ' Says Taehyung all proud

'Damn Tae, that's amazing, congratulations!' I am really happy for him

'I, on the other hand, am looking for a new job. They keep promoting idiots at my place purely because of all the connections. Can't deal with it.' Namjoon says

'Well, what is it that you are aiming for?' I ask

'Management.' He says

'On what scale?' I have an idea in my mind

'The bigger the better. I love keeping myself busy'

'How about managing a hotel? You reckon you'd be up for that?' I ask him

'What?' He sits up straight

'Woah seriously?' Jungkook exclaims

'Yeah. 40 room hotel. Huge venue. Restaurant. All of it. Its yours if you want it.' I smile at him

'Don't play with me Luna.' He says, looking really high strung

'Not in the slightest. I need someone capable to run it for me. I can't run multiple buildings on my own. And I know I can trust you.' I tell him

'Oh hell yes, Absolutely!' He jumps up 'Come here you.'

I laugh but I get up and he hugs me so tight he lift me off the ground. I wrap my arms around him, but I had to smack him on the shoulders 'Air Namjoon. Air.' I keep repeating while I'm laughing.

Pretend Love: What Happens Between Us |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now