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It's been a crazy day. Meeting Aoni took a toll on my mental state. It really confused the life out of me, but I'm sure it's just as confusing for her. Thankfully the day has something nice in store for me. My parents are coming to visit.

They live in Busan and I haven't seen them in about 3 months. I don't tell them much about my life either. Not even that me and Moon So have broken up even though it happened about 8-9 months ago. They most definitely don't know about Jimin.
I don't want to worry them with my problems.

I was anxiously waiting back at home for them to come. And they finally did about 5pm.
I left work a bit earlier than usual. Perks of owning your business I guess.

'Omma, Oppa!' I greet them happily, opening the door

'Oh my love, how we missed you!' My mom hugs me so tight I can barely breathe

'Where is my daughter!?' My dad comes and hugs me even tighter, actually making me not being able to breathe. I had to tap him to release me from his death grip.

'Oh you've gone skinny again!' My mom complains pulling on my sleeve right on my shoulder

'Omma, you just haven't seen me in a while, I haven't changed at all.' I laugh a little 'Come guys, let's get you settled in.' I grab their bags and take them to the second room.

They will be staying with me for 2 days. They wanted to stay at the hotel but I couldn't allow that.

'Are you guys hungry?' I ask

'We can always eat.' Dad jokes petting his own tummy

'Come, let's sit down. I'll bring over the food.' I set the food on the table and we say our thanks before digging in

'Right. Tell us everything. How's work? How's Moon So? How's your health?' My mom starts firing questions at me

I laugh at her a little 'Works very busy, but it's doing well. My health is good. And Moon So is loooong gone.' I tell her

'What?!' My dad is surprised 'What happened?'

'He cheated. Made it easy for me.' I shrug my shoulders smiling

'Why didn't you tell us?' My dad asks

'I knew I didn't like him.' My mom says, pissed off. And she's right, she never did like him. She always said there's something off about him. I knew it myself I just never did anything about it, should have seen it coming from a mile away.

'I didn't want you guys to worry. Besides, it was a relief to be rid of him.' I smile

'Do you have anyone else?' My mom asks

'Nope, free as a bird.' I tell her

After that we were talking about all the work stuff and how stressful it can be. We were just having a catch up, when my doorbell went off.

'You guys keep eating, I'll be right back.' I tell them and walk to open the door.

'Jimin?' I was shocked to find him here, I haven't seen him in over a month. We were just staring at each other for a minute, not one of us talking.

He kind of looked like a mannequin. His picture perfect face, framed by his silver hair falling on two sides around his face. He was wearing black jeans, and a white button up shirt, black suspenders. They kinda look hot on him. I mean, everything he wears looks hot on him to be fair.

'Luna, can we talk?' He finally speaks breaking the silence

'Sorry, but this is not a good time. My parents are here.' I tell him

Pretend Love: What Happens Between Us |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now