Chapter VI ~ Tensions On the Rise

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Enid was already asleep when Bea arrived, she always wore a peaceful expression and a soft smile on her face. Bea pulled up the girls blanket and backed away to her little room. 

"Bea you came back." Enid whispered, Bea poked her head out of the entry way to her room. Had Enid been pretending to sleep? Or had she woken her up.

"Yeah." Bea chuckled, both girls had big smiles on their faces, Bea was sort of turned away so that Enid wouldn't catch on to her blushing. She was still wary of Xavier's warning about the boy, but she felt like she could trust both of them to some extent. She couldn't deny the strange feeling she felt around Tyler, it wasn't just butterflies, it was something unnerving. 

"So did you make out?" Enid asked, she was hoping to hear all of the juicy details about the night. Bea covered her face in shame and rocked back and forth.

"We're just friends, I don't think either of us wants anything more." Bea stated, she stared at one of the corners of the room, she was really just scared of being with Tyler, scared of him hating her.  It was one thing for two kinds of outcasts to be together, but a normie and an outcast was a whole different thing.

"Yeah okay, and what did you do, as friends?" Enid asked, she just wanted to feel included, and she was secretly relaying a lot of information to the other girls of the dorm, they were also secretly rooting for Tylix.

"We listened to music and talked about our parents and stuff like that, please don't tell anyone anything else from now on, I only trust you." Bea said, Enid laughed nervously and nodded, she stuck out a pinky, Bea shook it reluctantly.

"I promise I won't peep." Enid said, she was very sure of her words, you could tell by her furrowed brow and more serious expression.

"We didn't get to do anything else because the sheriff walked in on us. I think he seriously hates me." Bea teased, she was sure of it, the man had already warned her to steer clear of the boy, and now she'd been caught in his home, she could never return to that place if she wanted to remain in one piece.

"He did ask me to go to a football game with him, it's a kind of normie thing to do, and it seemed out of his comfort zone." Bea reminisced, the funny thing was that she was actually looking forward to the football game, it was a change of pace for her, and it would show a little side of what normie high school was like in Jericho. 

"Isn't that huge in normie world, like only couples go to football games together." Enid stated, she'd been slightly misinformed, football games weren't as romanticized as that. 

"Not really, but it means he likes having me as company." Bea stated, maybe that was just it, he enjoyed her company as much as she enjoyed his. "It's getting late, let's get some rest." Bea added, her phone buzzed again, and on her screen was a notification from Tyler. 

They'd recently exchanged numbers, and therefore she had nearly forgotten that the name that she put was handsome barista, she could never show her phone in public ever again for fear that the boy would see it. 

Tyler: sorry again about my dad

Bea: its all good dw

Tyler: I think ive convinced him to at least trust you now

Bea: Howd you manage that??

Tyler: hes got a soft spot for kids whove lost their parents, you just need to have a sob story ready the next time he sees you 

Bea: thats one weight off of my chest :)

Bea hovered her fingers about the keyboard, she wanted to wish him a good night, but not in a very overbearing way. It was so stupid that such a small thing like that felt like such a big deal on text. It was a whole different world when technology gets involved. 

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