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It had been a sunny day. The peak of summer. Scarlett was working away in her crop fields, gathering crops to be shipped out later today after she packaged them into boxes.

Thankfully, her uncle offered to help her out around the farm today despite the blazing heat. With his help, she'd be done in no time.

He came out of the barn wiping sweat off his forehead as he let the animals out into the pasture to graze.

"Ya weren't lyin' bout those sheep, one of 'em kicked me right in the buttocks when I tried to shear it."

"Sorry about that," Scarlett told him, fighting the urge to laugh. "Why don't you take a break, there's fresh watermelon in the fridge."

"A treat, well that's mighty fine of ya. I always knew ya were my favorite niece!" He smiled.

Scarlett gasped mockingly, putting a hand to her chest. "Lynn would be heartbroken to hear you say that!"

He smacked his forehead and laughed. "Your right, I forgot she likes to hold grudges."

She headed into the coop to collect the eggs and feed the chickens. They clustered around her feet as she entered barely giving her enough room to move. 

"Alright, I'm going." She picked up a white chicken and walked across to the feeding bins. "Down you go, Rosie."

After filling each bin she left wanting to head inside for a nice, cold glass of water. On her way inside she heard someone calling her name. At the edge of her farm, she saw Wayne coming up the dirt road.

"Wayne, what brings you here?" She asked walking to meet him. 

"Me." He grinned, giving her a quick hug. "I thought I'd stop by and say hi."

Scarlett gave him a warm smile. "How sweet, it's nice to see you."

He side glanced as if he wanted to say something more than seem to think better of it.

"Are you okay?" She said in a concerned tone.

He hesitated. "...Sure am..."

She placed a hand on his shoulder and he flinched. Okay...something's definitely wrong

"Wayne." She said softly, grabbing his hand in hers. "I'm one of your best friends, you can talk to me. You know that right?"

For a short while, he didn't say a word. Only the birds and the animals could be heard.

His silence worried her.

What could be bothering him?

His hand trembled beneath hers. When he turned his gaze back to her she saw an unfamiliar emotion hidden in those deep blue eyes.  

Wayne's POV

"For years I've been wanting to tell you this, yet I never thought it was the right time...Scarlett I-"

"Scarlett, are you done, I cut a piece-Oh!" Frank peaked his head outside the door. "Howdy, Wayne I didn't know you were visiting. I'll wait until you two finish talking."

Scarlett quickly stands up, flattening her dress down with her hands. "I need a glass of water, you'll come inside won't you?"

She didn't wait for his answer as she spun around.

"Darn, it all!" He sighed, pulling his hat over his face.

Today was the day he wanted to confess his feelings. To tell her just how much she meant to him. Turns out it seemed to be way harder than he thought it be.

He followed her inside the house taking a seat at the dining table. He drank a cup of orange juice she offered to him, and only half listened to Frank talk about farming and the perks of summertime.

"I, unfortunately, haven't had much luck growing any honey melons this season due to the heat." Scarlett shared. 

"I harvested plenty of honey melons ya more than welcome to have a batch or two." Frank offered.

"Really you mean it?" She beamed.

When Frank stood up to leave, he rubbed his bulging stomach, and let out a loud burp.

"Excuse me." Frank laughed.

"I think it's time I left," he said. "The farm won't tend to itself ya know."

"Wayne, why are you really here?" She sounded almost suspicious.

Perhaps he had made her uncomfortable? He hadn't meant to.

"Well," Wayne began, scratching the back of his head. "Scarlett just hear me out, okay, then I'll be on my way."

She took his words into consideration and nodded.

"Alright, go ahead." Then sat on the sofa near the fireplace.

He joined her, nerves as high as the roof. Clearing his throat he took ahold of her hand, heart in his chest.

"For as long as I've known you were nothing short of a spectacular gal..." He took a deep breath. "I wanted to tell you I like you."

There he got it off his chest.

"...Wayne, I don't-" She broke off.

"You don't have to answer me now-"

"No!" Scarlett shouts, letting out a shaky sigh. "You don't understand, Wayne...I can't...we can't..." She stands up turning her back to him.

It wasn't the answer he expected.

"Why?" He asked trying to ignore the tightness in his chest.

"We can still be friends like we have always been." She told him ignoring his question altogether. "But I can't tell you the reason."

After a long silence he said to her, "Is it wrong of me that I hoped you'd say you liked me too?"

She spun around to face him. "No. Look your the sweetest, wholesome guy I've ever met."

"But." He frowned.

"But I don't know my own feelings, Wayne. I'm struggling too much with myself to even think about the possibility of someone else's." She finished, forcing a smile.

Without another word he stood up heading for the door. As he opened the door he stopped and said. "I understand and for what's its worth, I loved you. I truly did." Then he walked out.

He didn't know what the future would bring, but if she wasn't in it he couldn't bear the pain to come. Without her by his side.

The Wall Between Usजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें