Chapter 8: The Accident(Wayne)

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On the day of the Animal festival, he left early in order to get there on time, taking the usual route up past the railroad.

He met up with Ford along the way and the doctor told him about his late-night studies, how he'd become so focused on his work that by the time he finished for the day it was early morning.

Wayne laughed and teased him for thinking about a certain someone instead of focusing on his work.

"How rude!" Ford huffed indignantly. "If that is true then I can say the same of you, my friend."

His smile faltered, he knew exactly what he was referring to or rather who. He supposed he only had himself to blame really, knowing full well he could never win a battle of wits against the doctor.

They continued down the path, joined by Brad and his wife Carrie, Marco, Miranda, Noel, and Lisette. The others would follow sooner or later.

I wonder if she's competing today? He thought he knew the farmer loved competing in the yearly festivals and took pride in her farm work more than anything.

He wasn't lying when he told her years ago that she looked stunning being so passionate about her work. Heck, he still believed it and he remembered how cute and flustered she became by the compliment.

He complimented women all the time, but somehow she was different in a way. He wanted to praise her, to see her smile.

"I wonder who'll be competing?" The voice had come from Miranda.

"Who knows," Carrie replied as the two walked side by side. "Last year there were a few new contestants."

Miranda shook her head appearing worried. "It's the master ranking this time around, I sure hope Scarlett will be alright."

"I'm sure Scarlett knows what she's doing!" Marco put in. "She been carin' for livestock for five years now, if anyone can vouch for her success it is us."

He couldn't have said it any better. There was no room for doubt, especially when they should be supporting the farmer as best they can.

Once they reached the festival grounds people started pouring in, chattering excitedly amongst each other for the event soon to come.

Is she here? He scanned the front of the stage as if hoping to catch sight a glimpse of her crimson red braids, although he knew they wouldn't see the contestants until the show started.

"Let's join the others," Ford said.

"Right behind you," Wayne replied, following his lead.

Ludus, Hinata, and Yuzuki waved them over as they approached.

Stephanie cleared her throat. "Ahem! Attention everyone...we will now be starting the expert-class Animal Festival! Let's have our contestants come up!"

The first farmer to walk across the stage was a middle-aged man Japanese man with salt and pepper hair and a buffalo.

"Our first contestant is Danzo from Haze Ranch!"

Everyone clapped as he moved to the side to allow the next contestant to enter. A blond-haired woman waved at the crowd as she stood beside the MC with a brown jersey cow.

"Continuing with our second contestant, Marie from Wheat Ranch!"

"It's an honor to be here, truly." She smiled before taking her spot next to the old man.

The third contestant, a young man appeared to be having a problem with getting his cow onto the stage.

"Come on, Bessy! Just a few... more...steps." He grunted as he pushed the cow from behind.

The cow mooed, but it didn't seem to be listening to his commands.

"Oh, dear!" Megan sighed shaking her head. "This is completely unexpected, should we send someone to help?"

The first two contestants shared a look with each other however they made no move to help the poor fella.

"Get moving!!" The owner shouted, his face red with anger. "You're embarrassing me!!"

The cow tossed its head from side to side and stamped its feet against the ramp. He knew it couldn't be a good sign. It clearly needed to be calmed down before something happened.

He watched as four gentlemen stepped from the crowd to offer their help. They crowd around the animal and begin to push, yet it only appeared to agitate the animal even more.

It pulled away from the group of men going back down the ramp. The owner had to jump out of the way to avoid getting trampled.

The crowd was whispering uneasily.

"Stop!" He heard someone yell above the noise. "You're frightening her."

His eyes found Scarlett standing at the back, her eyes wide with fear. She handed her cow over to someone before jogging over.

What is she doing?! He thought gritting his teeth.

"What do you expect us to do, lady?!" One of the men spat. "It won't move, at this rate, he'll have to forfeit."

"I will do no such thing!" The young man pushed to the front and grabbed the rope.

"Wait!" Scarlett called to him, trying to stop him, but the other men held her back.

"Stay back, Miss!" Another said.

Forget about the festival, he had half a mind to run up there and pull her away to the safety of the crowd. Although he knew her love for animals would keep her from doing so.

They tried one more time to pull the cow back up the ramp and then it suddenly yanked its head back backward causing the men to lose control of the rope.

The cow spun around and knocked all the men off the ramp, sending them tumbling to the ground. People gasped in terror, watching as it spun in circles as if trying to be free of its reins.

"Come on, Hector help me out!" Frank shouted rushing forward with Hector at his side.

I need to get to her, now! He pushed through the panicked crowd, determined to reach the farmer who was very much in danger. People bumped into him as they ran past nearly knocking him over in the process, however, he kept his balance.

When he finally made it through the crowd he spotted the group of men from earlier at the bottom of the ramp. They were crowding around someone he couldn't see.

"I told her to get back, but she didn't listen!" One of them said, voice laced with concern.

His heart pounded in his throat, hoping he hadn't heard him right.

"Scarlett!?" He called as he reached them, and then he froze.

He felt dizzy and weak all of a sudden. There on the ground, she lay unmoving, eyes closed, face pale, with blood pooling at her head.

This can't be real.

His vision blurred. "No..." He hurried to her side and pulled her into his arms. "Please be alright..." He stroked her face with trembling hands.

She groaned, eyes fluttering open. Her chest rose and fell shallowly under his palms as she tried to focus on him. Her gaze settled on him for a moment before she closed her eyes again.

"Wayne!" Ford knelt down on the ground beside him and quickly checked her over. "We need to get her to the clinic, can you carry her there?"

He nodded and stood up, holding her tightly against his chest. She was so tiny compared to him, so fragile.

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