Chapter 3: Awkward Encounter (Scarlett)

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Scarlett finished her farmwork early that morning and headed into town to visit her friend Lisette, who ran the flower shop.

Her next day off was this Tuesday, however, she liked to talk to her in her shop if she wasn't too busy. She came to the door just as two customers walked out.

"Oh! Sorry." She apologized, moving to the side.

They gave her a dirty look as they passed by; it wasn't friendly, not in the least.

What is their problem? She thought. One of them, a brunette, glanced back at her once before whispering in her friend's ear.

What were they saying about her? Should she care?

No. She shrugged her shoulders, deciding there was no use in thinking about it.

"Don't mind them, Scarlett." With that in mind, she went inside.

"Welcome to Thousand Bouquets!" Lisette greets her, then smiles when she sees her enter. "Scarlett!"

"Hello," Scarlett says, walking over to the counter. "I thought I stop by, and see if you needed company."

Lisette giggles, her blond ringlet curls bouncing. "Company. It's more than welcome."

She joins her friend behind the counter, leaning against the shop wall. They make small talk while Lisette takes care of her customers, with a never-ending bright smile. It wasn't hard to see they adored the florist, for she was the kindest girl you'd ever meet.

The day she visited the flower shop the two became instant friends. Scarlett remembered the times the two used to stay up late talking about gardening and romance books, a passion of hers.

Even learned the language of flowers; how the different shapes and colors symbolized something. She had not known it was a new type of knowledge, and Lisette strived to study more about the subject.

It brought her to ask. "Are you free this Tuesday? Want to go to Tsuyukusa's Spa?"

Lisette finishes wrapping a bouquet and hands it to a man at the counter. He pays for it and waves goodbye.

"The Spa?" The florist says, distractedly. "Have a good day, sir."

"Yeah, for old times' sake we could go together. It will be fun." She suggested.

Another customer asks for carnations and marguerite seeds. Lisette turns around, pointing to a box against the wall full of packaged flower seeds.

"Hand me a few of those, would you?"

"Sure," Scarlett answered, bending down next to the box. She grabbed the requested amount and stood back up.


After the customer is dealt with, she turned her full attention to the farmer, saying, "Sorry, can you repeat that?"

"The Spa, do you want to go?" She tried again.

Her lips formed into a tight smile and Scarlett knew the answer before she said it.

"I'm sorry Scarlett, I have plans then." She apologized.

To say she wasn't disappointed would be an understatement.

"Oh, what are you planning?"

"Just shoppin'." She sounded guarded. Like she didn't want to admit a thing.

"Shopping, then why-" She doesn't finish as they heard the flower shop door open, followed by excited squeals from the customers.

They both looked toward the door and her heart caught in her throat, upon seeing who had entered the shop.

The Wall Between UsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora