Chapter 19: Blissful Memories (Wayne)

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It's been a couple weeks since the whole drama with Allen died down. Once Megan heard of what was going on she quickly took action and sent him on his way.

He wanted to give Scarlett the space she deserved, after everything, but was surprised when she asked him to stay.

They spent the day working around the farm in the fields and with the animals. He helped wherever he was needed and even learnt a few new things.

It still never surprised him how much he admired her.

"What are you smilin' bout?" Ethan grinned as he set a stack of letters before him.

Wayne cleared his throat leaning off the wall. "Nothin'!" He gestured to the letters. "Who are those for?"

"For Li'l ol' me?" Ethan said eyebrows furrowed. "Not sure from who, I rarely receive em'."

Wayne's eyes shined with amusement. "I reckon ya got yourself an admirer."

"Me?!" He laughed nervously. "That ain't right, who'd take a liken to me 'round these parts?"

Wayne shrugged his shoulders with a grin. "That's for you to find out my friend," He patted him on the shoulder then left the building.

He couldn't be late, not today.

Especially not today.

He jogged down the steps and realized a moment later at the bottom he'd left his hat behind.

"Shucks!" He mumbled to himself. "I thought I grabbed everything."

His hair was a bit ruffled but it wasn't bad enough for him to retrieve his hat at home.

When he went to catch a coach the coachman told him the last one had been brought for the day and another wouldn't be available for 20 minutes or so.

"That's quite alright, I'll walk m'self there it's not too far." He replied, quite thankful for the gentle breeze on a otherwise hot day.

As he walked down the familiar dirt path to her farm, he tried his best to cast away his worries.

He was well aware that he fixed his clothes for the 4th time today.

It was Scarlett, he'd seen her a thousands times.

So why is his heart beating so fast?

"You're early," Scarlett said as she stepped out of her house.

His breath caught in his throat.

Her dark red hair flowed over her shoulders in loose curls giving her a lovely glow. She dressed in a long white sunflower patterned frilled dress, paired it off with a pair of white sandles.

"You look...amazing..." He breathed.

She smiled softly walking over to him. "Thanks, it took me an hour to decide what to wear."

"Y'know you look gorgeous in anything." He said slyly and chuckled as she blushed.

Scarlett gasped covering her mouth with her hands. "Your hair!"

"Huh?! Oh!" He grimaced. "I didn't have time to brush it, I left my hat at home."

He reached up his fix his hair.

"No!" She grabbed his hand to stop him. "I...I like it."

His face burned, the tips of his ears turning red at the unexpected compliment.

"Really?" She nodded in reply.

If she liked it that much perhaps he should go without his hat more often.

"When you fall in love you'll appreciate the little thing's they do." He recalled a quote in a book saying once.


"What was that?" She tipped her head to the side staring up at him with big those beautiful hazel eyes.

"Nothing," He frowned realizing he said the words aloud.

"M'Lady," He offered her his arm and she linked her arm through his her lips pursed in an amused grin.


"Too much?"

She shook her head. "I think it's rather endearing,"

A warm feeling spread from his head to his toes, it tugged at his heart.

A goddess?

No, an angel?

"You tease!" He intertwined their hands.

"It's the truth, honest!" She pulled him closer.

When they entered Brad's restaurant they startled as Frank appeared suddenly in front of them.

"About time!" Frank smacked him on his back and gave Scarlett a quick hug. "Aren't ya two a couple of lovebirds."

"I'd say!" Said Hector from his table accompanied by his son, Colin. "Everyone was rootin' for you two."

Wayne rubbed his neck clearly embarrassed.

"Hush! You two, can't you see the two are on a date?" Carrie showed them to a table near the bar.

"The usual for both of you?" She smiled, but Wayne could see she was holding herself back.

He glanced at Scarlett and she answered. "Spaghetti and meatballs as always, thanks Carrie."

"I'll take the spaghetti and herb special. two lemonades please." He told her.

As they enjoyed their breakfast he couldn't help but watch her as she ate. He still couldn't believe she was here, before him.

They were going steady and most of the time he didn't know what to do with himself when around her.

In all honesty he thought he'd spend the rest of his life regretting confessing his feelings to her back then, but he never would've thought she felt the same way for him all these years.

"Are you alright? You're not eating your breakfast." She asked, her brows furrowed in concern.

"Oh! Yes, I'm sorry, I don't know where my mind has gone," He took a long sip of his drink feeling rather parched and coughed as it went down the wrong pipe.

Scarlett rushed to his side and patted his back. It moved him to see how concerned she was over his wellbeing.

"I'm okay." He breathed out wiping his mouth with a napkin.

She returned to her seat seemingly deep in thought. He cleared his throat and tried to finish his food that had become cold.

After they left the restaurant they traveled to Tsuyukusa for Hintata's play called the "The phantom prince of Darkness."

It was his friend's first play of his own creation after many years of practice. He was most excited to see it, to witness how far he'd come.

He'd received an invite in the mail three days in advance saying how it would be the event of the season.

He had no doubt in his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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