Chapter 15: Unforgettable (Scarlett)

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A cold chill was in the air. The leaves on the trees turned shades of dark brown and orange as they fell to the ground.

"Just imagine how successful you could be, owning a farm of your own." Allen walked hand in hand with a younger Scarlett, she was much shorter and stared at him with adoration in her eyes.

Scarlett frowned. "I don't know..."

"I understand that your father strongly opposes your decision to leave your hometown and start a farm, but your mother and I have complete faith in your ability to make it happen." He pulled her closer, throwing his arm around her shoulders.

"We'll be married in a few weeks, and then we can travel the world, find a nice place to settle down where you can have that farm you dreamed of."

She leaned on his shoulder with a smile. "It does sound nice."

They walked down a grassy path taking their time as talked about the future. Up ahead the trees gave way to a wide park surrounded by trees, filled with people.

"Come on, let's take a break." Allen pulled her along towards an empty bench.

As they took their seats, Scarlett fixed her scarf, wrapping it snugly around her neck before linking her arm with her fiancé.

"It seems so long ago when I was a little girl, still figuring out what I wanted to be growing up. How I wanted to change the world and be someone others could look up to."

Allen chuckled as he entwined their fingers.

"You want to give so much to the world, even if it gives you nothing in return?" He asked.

"Why, yes." Scarlett answered, furrowing her brows. "Is that wrong?"

"No, of course not." Allen turned them around, so they were facing each other and grabbed her hands in his.

"Then what, tell me," she begged eager to hear his opinion.

"Well," he began. "You're still young Scarlett, you haven't seen the worst of the world yet."

"And you have?"

"I have,"

"You're only two years older than me."

"Which makes me more experienced."

His green gaze softened, he leaned forward and pecked her cheek.

"I just don't want you to get hurt," Allen sighed. "I may not always be there to protect you."

She stared at him for a moment before she replied. "I'll be fine, we have each other that's all that matters."

Scarlett jolted awake from the dream. She placed a hand on her cheek and felt something wet dripping down her face.


Duke, whined beside her. He rested his head on her lap for comfort.

"I'm alright, Duke, don't worry..." She petted his head before slipping out of bed and heading towards the bathroom.

She rinsed her face with cold water, then dried it with a towel off the rack.

"Get yourself together, Scarlett!" She smacked her cheeks, feeling the burning sting that followed.

He abruptly comes back into her life and now she's dreaming about him. The very same man who broke her heart into a million pieces, before they could even start a life together.

The life he promised her.

Nothing, but a hopeless dream crushed by her expectations of a man who didn't love her.

He only wanted to use her for his own selfish gain and she was too blind to see it, until it was too late.

He being the sole reason she had trust issues, insecurities, and never believed someone could truly love her as much as she loved them.

All she wanted more than anything was to be cherished. To live a peaceful life as she deserved.

Was it too much to ask for?

Leaving the bathroom she headed to the kitchen and fixed herself a plate of bacon, eggs, and a cup of orange juice.

The sun had yet to rise barely peeking through the trees, the skies a mixture of blue, purple, and pink as night transitioned to morning.

At the window she leaned her elbows against the windowsill feeling the coldness of the wood seep into her skin. It wouldn't be long until she'd have to head outside for work.

Nevertheless she ate her breakfast and then headed outside.

Duke rushed to her side as she walked through the grass to the crop fields. She didn't want to think about her ex-fiance, but he filled her thoughts.

His sudden appearance baffled her. She still couldn't quite understand what he wanted from her after they broke things off years ago.

Her Allen used to be a sweet and funny guy. He never asked for anything or cared much for his father's business. However, she realized she never knew all of him.

Perhaps from the beginning it wasn't meant to be.

*Sorry for the super short chapter*

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