Chapter 12: Birthday Surprise part 2(Wayne)

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When he came home that night exhausted from the long work day, he opened the door, and turned on the lights.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! The room erupted with cheers and confetti rained down all around him.

Wayne grinned from ear to ear. "Y'all didn't hafta do this!"

"Of course we did, it's what brings us together," Ludus said walking over to him.

"He isn't wrong you know," Ford told him. "But we can't all take the credit, Scarlett planned the whole thing herself and the rest of us chipped in here and there.

His gaze fell upon the red-haired farmer standing beside Lisette. He noticed she seemed to no longer need the help of the crutches, her injured foot was wrapped in a strapped black cast.

"Everyone celebrates their birthdays, yet there's something special about it coming from a loved one, don't you think?" Ludus smiled knowingly.

Wayne's ears turned red at the tips knowing full well what his friend was implying.

"It's not like that!" He defended himself, despite his heart telling him otherwise.

He smoothed back his hair before leaving his friends and heading over toward her. She glanced up as he approached with a smile that made his chest feel all fuzzy and warm inside.

"Hey, you look well," She said, her voice like music to his ears.

"I sure hope I am, otherwise Ford would be hovering over my shoulder," He replied sheepishly.

Scarlett laughed her eyes bright with amusement. 

"He can't help it, Wayne, he's a doctor after all," Lisette giggled, she whispered something in the farmer's ear and then went to join the other ladies near the kitchen.

" how are ya, I see your injures healin' pretty well?" He asked her.

"Yes," She said. "Ford informed me that in a few more days my foot should be good as new."

It was good news. The relief he felt outweighed anything else on his mind

"Hey about the Animal Festival incident," She began, nervously chewing on her bottom lip. "I wanted to thank you, if it wasn't for you I don't know what would've happened."

"Don't mention it," He said. "Any guy would've done the same."

Scarlett shook her head, placing a hand on his forarm. "You're not just any guy, Wayne. We're friends, right?"

"Y-yeah, of course!" He replied quickly as his gaze slid toward her hand, soft and warm against his skin.

As she pulled away the spot tingled where she touched him. It was a small gesture, but enough to make him want more. 

His heart hammered in his chest at the thought. Is he selfish for wanting to be close to her? Wanting to be the one she smiled about? The one she spoke of with fondness? 

She made him feel alive as nothing else ever had before. Her smile often left him feeling giddy and warm from head to toe.

"Hey!" Hinata shouted as he rushed over towards the kitchen. "Here, comes the cake."

Everyone moved off to the side as Lisette and SIiluka brought the chocolate cake out and set it on the dinning table. A pair of lit candles sat atop the lcing glowing brightly.

They dragged him in front of the cake and waited for him to blow out the candles. He smiled, taking a deep inhale then blew out the candles.

His friends cheered and patted his back, surrounding him with warmth. With love.

After they cut the cake, handing everyone a piece, and he  opened his presents, they laughed and talked all through the night sharing stories and enjoying each other's company.

Ford retold the tale about how they first met, describing everything down to the last detail.

"It was hilarious!" The doctor said, a wide grin spread across his face. "You would never believe it, but he memorized Westown's layout in under two weeks."

"Only two weeks? Wow! It used to take me at least a month to get an entire script memorized in my head." Hinata chipped in.

"That's not the same thing, numbskull," Iluka told him, rolling her eyes.

Hinata stuck his tongue out at her, his eyes playful. "Isn't? Let's see you try reading a script by heart in two weeks."

Wayne and the others laughed as Illuka became flustered and turned to her twin sister for help, but she was too busy chatting away with the doctor about herbs and medicine.

He hummed resting his chin on the flat of his palm as he slowly started feeling the effects of the alcohol in his system.

By midnight everyone began to make their way home until it was just him, Lisette, Ford, and Scarlett.

"I think it's about time we headed home too." Lisette yawned, wiping her tired eyes. "Come on, you two! I'm sure Wayne's had enough for one night." She beckoned the doctor and Scarlett to follow.

He opened his mouth to protest but realized his body was exhausted.

As the trio left his house, Scarlett lingered at the door fidgeting with her braids. It was clear she wanted to say something, but couldn't seem to find the words.

So he said. "Thanks for today, Ford and Ludus told me how you planned all this. But I never imagined a birthday celebrating my position as a mailman after all these years."

She smiled, her eyes glittering like the stars in the night sky.

"It's the least I could do, you perform your job so well, and bring a lot of people happiness and comfort,"

"You may not know it, but you made a difference here, found your place in this world and I admired that about you because it's not easy to commit and I can vouch for that, being a farmer and all." Her soft laugh filled his ears and his heart fluttered.

"That's quite the compliment," He grinned sheepishly, leaning against the doorway trying to ignore the way her hazel gaze never seemed to leave him.

The red-haired farmer pouted and he chuckled at her cuteness.

"You're intolerable." She giggled.

"And you love me for it,"

"I know,"

A few minutes of silence passed behind them before she spoke again. "I missed you,"

"Me too," He said.

She closed the distance between them and embraced him nearly sending the both of them crashing to the ground, however he steadied himself.

"Woah there, you okay?!" He asked, unsure what to do.

Then he heard it, a quiet sob.


When she glanced back up at him he flinched as he noticed the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Because of him.

"I missed you so much, do you know how long a blamed myself for our falling apart? Wished I could take it all back?"

She pounded her fist against his chest and he let her.

"I tried my hardest to fix it every day, despite everything I was going through at the time, and you..." Her lips quivered. "I...I thought you hated me..."

His heart twisted.

"No!" Wayne wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.

"I could never hate you, Scarlett." He breathed tears of his own prickling at his eyes.

Their hearts beat wildly as they stared into each other's eyes. He cupped her face and gently kissed her forehead.

"I'm didn't deserve any of that, I'm a fool for hurting you,"

Scarlett didn't speak as she stared at him.

"You're not a fool..." She finally said in barely a whisper.

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