Chapter 1: New Beginnings(Scarlett)

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She woke up just like any other day on the farm. Took a shower, ate breakfast, then headed outside for work.

As the crisp morning air filled her lungs, she stretched her arms, welcoming the tiny pecks of warmth as the sunlight shined through the trees.

Birds sang their joyful songs all around her. It was peaceful. If she could, she would sit and listen, however, there wasn't enough time to do so, and she had things to do.

First things first, she needed seeds to plant, which would require her to take a trip into Westown to Miranda's shop. And so she cared for her animals first before leaving her farm.

She walked up the crossroad to Westown, smelling the fresh scents of wildflowers and fruit. Springtime is not her favorite season, but the essence of spring could clear her mind. Ease any stress for a little while.

"Look who's come into town." Someone laughed nearby.

Scarlett looked to her right. Hector waved to her from the barn.

"Good morning, Hector. Beautiful day isn't it?" She smiled.

"Sure is. It's a new year starting today. For everyone." He replied, then returned to his animals.

New Year, right? What could go wrong? She thought, continuing on her way to town.

Her eyes widened to see the number of people gathered in town.

Subconsciously her gaze traveled towards the post office, half expecting to see the blond-haired postman out delivering mail. Luckily he was nowhere in sight.

Things haven't been the same between them since that day four months ago. Whenever they'd hang out with friends she tried talking normally to him, but eventually, the awkwardness become too much to bear.

It didn't take a genius to know the two were slowly growing apart and she hated herself for that.

She walked through the crowd, up the stairs, and past the post office. Carrie greeted her on the way by dusting off the wooden porch.

She smiled back.

There weren't too many people in the general store. Miranda smiled widely when she walked in.

"Howdy, Scarlett, so lovely to see you." Miranda welcomed her.

"Hey, Miranda," Scarlett said. "I'm looking to get some radish, cabbage, and potato seeds, two bags each please."

Miranda smiled. "Sure. I'll be right back."

While she waited on her, she let her mind wander. Remembering the first time she had moved to town. Everyone was eager to get to know her, wondering why someone so young chose to become a farmer.

Back then, things were much easier than how they were now.

"Scarlett?! You okay?"

Miranda's voice brought her back to the present.

"Oh! Sorry about that." She chuckled, handing her the money before taking the packs of seeds.

Thank you." Stashing the packs in her bag, she said goodbye.

Ignoring the concerned expression on Miranda's face, she left the shop. Not wanting anyone to ask questions.

The town became even more crowded. Scarlett sighed, holding her bag close to her side. She wasn't in the mood to buy more if they got crushed under someone's feet.

"Excuse me! Sorry." She apologized, bypassing people to reach south Westown.

Someone bumped into her, nearly causing her to fall over, but a hand gripped her arm to steady her.


She recognized the voice.

Ford stared down at her with a frown, helping her stand.

"Thanks, it's very crowded today." She smiled softly.

He shook his head. "Don't thank me, I simply had been passing by."

"Ford, wait!" She called before he could leave.

He turned back to her, fixing his glasses.

"...Um...How's Wayne doing? I haven't seen him lately?" As soon as she said the words, she regretted it.

Ford narrowed his eyes and shrugged. "I wouldn't know, I haven't seen him in a couple of days?" His bitter tone makes her flinch.

"If you'll excuse me I have work to do." He said, then disappeared into the crowd without a second glance.

It's fine...He means well. She convinced herself, biting her lip to keep tears from springing from her eyes. She shouldn't have expected anything.

On the way back she set her mind on working, trying not to think too much, no matter how much her mind wanted to.

Get home, plant the crops and she can relax, for the rest of the day if she wants to.


Her uncle waved to her, coming up the road. He pointed down the road. "You just missed Wayne, he was just tellin' me about the sweetest gift Noel gave him the other day."

"She made him a wildflower bracelet because she noticed he was feelin' down." He told her.

She cracked a smile. "Oh, that is kind. Noel was always a big Wayne fan."

He bellowed, laying a hand against his stomach. "Your right, 'bout that."

Scarlett went on her way, thinking how it was a close call she didn't meet him.


Back home, her dog, a German Shepard named Duke, ran around her legs upon entering the farm, barking for attention.

"In a second, boy." She giggled.

He followed her to the crop fields, waiting patiently by her side as she planted the seeds, and then she finished up after she watered all the crops. She patted his head and together, they headed to the house.

Scarlett sighed in exhaustion, wanting nothing more but to take a hot bath.

She passed by her bookcase and paused. On the third shelf sat the picture of her and Wayne. Her uncle had taken it on her 23rd birthday. Wayne grinned at her as she stuffed a piece of cake into her mouth.

The cake was a strawberry shortcake, specially made by Wayne after working his hardest to make the cake from scrap. She could still remember the sweetest of it, eating two slices, because it was the most delicious cake she ever tasted.

Brad personally acted offended but laughed it off telling the postman he could become a chef one day. Wayne, of course politely refused, saying he'd rather like to keep his current job.

A blissful, precious memory that to anyone said a thousand words.

On top of it sat the star crystal necklace her ex-boyfriend gave her six years ago before they broke up once she moved here. A frown made its way to her face. She couldn't feel anything but hurt when she thought of him.

He is one reason she moved to the towns with her uncle. To get away from city life.

"Don't remember him, Scarlett." Pushing any thoughts from her mind, she went on her way.

Once she drew a hot bath, she stayed in for longer than she needed. Yet it calmed her and made all her worries disappear to the farthest reaches of her mind.

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