Chapter 18: Nothing left to give (Scarlett)

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"Be quiet! This has nothing to do with you or anyone else." He laughed as he pulled Scarlett towards him once more.

"It has everything to do with us!" He glanced at Scarlett and did the unexpected.

He kissed her.

Repulsed by the kiss, Scarlett slapped him, the sound echoed throughout the room.

"You're married!" She struggled to keep her calm.

"She doesn't matter," Allen pressed. "Your the one I want."

Wayne walked over and she moved to his side.

"A lady should be respected," Wayne said. "It sounds to me that ya don't care much for your wife."

Scarlett wasn't surprised to hear the strain in his voice. It was rare to see anyone get a rise out of him.

"I'll give her as much respect as I want." Allen replied, pointing a finger at Wayne.

"We have history together, Scarlett and I. I won't let you come between us, she belongs with me not some pretty boy cowboy.

"Do you even earn enough money to support her financially? I mean, come on, you can't seriously think It'll work out? And what would her father think?"

Scarlett narrowed her eyes. "Don't you dare bring my father into this!"

"Why not?!" Allen smirked, knowing he hit a nerve. "You honestly believe he'll accept him? You and I both know the way he thinks."

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions." She told him.

"I never said you weren't,"

What was his deal?

He thinks she'll just drop everything and run into his arms? As if nothing ever happened?

She never met a more conceited person in her life.

"You're the worst! Why did you even marry her? Just to spite me or did you enjoy being the one in control?"

The emotions were pouring out of her.

"Was it worth it breaking her heart too? Does she even know your here?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Why do you care about her, huh? She told me to leave you, and look what happened. Now you live on a farm when you could've been in the city with me."

"This life is all I ever wanted, something you could never understand, the people here are kind and welcomed me as apart of their town." She explained, then she took Wayne's hand.

"And I found someone who loves me for who I am, even if I couldn't see it until now."

Wayne squeezed her hand gently.

"I think it's time you left."

Allen looked between them. "You live to regret not choosing me, you'll see!"

As he left Wayne held Scarlett tight, never wanting to let her go.

"It's alright," He said. "If he's not gone by today, he will be by tomorrow."

He wiped the tears from her eyes and then shared a quick glance with Ethan.

"If I get sick in the next few days I'm blaming it on you!" Scarlett chuckled as she rested her head on his chest.

"I'm countin' on it." He smirked.

"Hey!" She softly smacked his chest.

He took her hands and kissed them.

Scarlett hide her blush beneath her hands, but he pulled them away.

"I want to see you, all of you,"

Her heart pounded in her chest, then before she could stop herself she pulled him closer and kissed him.

She felt his body tense up, but he relaxed after a moment in her embrace and kissed her back.

After she pulled away she rested her forehead on his. "Definitely, going to be sick."

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