Chapter 14: Rumors (Wayne)

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It was nearly noon as he exited the clinic, after spending his lunch with Ford. He checked the remaining packages and letters to be delivered, his cheeks flushed pink.

The two met for lunch like always, until the topic switched over to his birthday party. They talked about the day and how they wished there be more get to togethers in the future.

Wayne asked him to repeat the events of the night after he gotten wasted on the wine, but the doctor simply shrugged as he couldn't recall much himself.

However, the only thing he said was: She was glued to your side all night. The two of you were an eyesore y'know?"

When he asked him to elaborate the doctor answered: "Scarlett." Then proceeded to ramble on about Siluka.

"Gosh..." He rubbed his face as his cheeks turned a darker shade of pink. "What did we even talk about?"

The more he thought about it the more curious he became.

"Wayne? Are you alright?"

Wayne glanced up and smiled at Lisette as she stood at the flower shop door.

"Lisette?! I'm fine...the heat is getting to me is all."

She nodded her head, but didn't look convinced in the slightest.

"If you insist," Lisette turned around, grabbed the broom by her shop, and began to sweep the dust from the carpet.

"By the way have you noticed how rowdy the town's been lately?" She asked.

He furrowed his brows. "Westown? Isn't it the same as its always been?"

Lisette glanced around with a frown on her face. It was uncharacteristic if her, he'd never seen her so distressed before.

"You look bothered, what's on your mind?" He questioned with genuine concern.

She shrugged her shoulders, before returning to her work. "Nevermind me, you should get going,"

Wayne thought about asking more, but instead he tipped his hat in farewell and left. What is she so worked up about, that she won't tell me?

He pondered the reason behind her strange behaviour as he went on with his day, however nothing came to mind.

Traveling from town to town he soon realised it wasn't just Westown that seemed lively with chatter, but Tsuyukusa and Lulukoko too.

When he delivered a package to Zahau's residency, he found Caolila and her son Schalk sitting on the steps while she tended to a cut he received from playing.

"Mahalo, Wayne, I hope works going well?" Caolila smiled as she grabbed the package and set it beside her.

"Yup, you know me always on the clock." He grinned.

As Schalk ran off with his little sister, Wayne took it as his chance to ask about the excitement going around.

"Oh! You don't know?!" Caolila gasped as if she could hardly believe it, her eyes gleaming with mirth.

"Know what?" He blinked.

"Everyone is hung up on the man who's come to town searching for his long lost love!"

"Isn't it romantic?" She sighed dreamily, before Wayne could reply. "It's all everyone's been able to talk about! Whoever the mystery girl is, she sure is lucky."

Lucky? Guess she is, huh?

The whole story seemed almost to good to be true, like it was pulled from the pages of a story book.

"You don't believe any of that do you?" Zahau said, coming over to join them.

Wayne shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly, no," He answered truthfully. "But who am I to judge?"

"I think it's sweet," Caolila put in.

"Caolila..." Zahau sighed, running a hand down his face. "We've talked about this?"

Caolila grinned. "Oh! It's doing no harm,"

Alma and Schalk played around in the back of the house, soon joined by ?????. Zahau turned around to watch them play wearing a concerned frown.

"Call it a premonition or whatever you want, but I've been feeling off all week. I even talked to the twins about it and they told me the exact same thing."

Wayne thought for a long moment, wondering what the the issue could be? Zahau wasn't the type of man to easily get this shaken up.

"Don't worry too much, I'm sure it's nothing." He reassured him.

Zahau crossed his arms and sighed. "Perhaps your right, maybe I need to take it easy this week, the stress might be finally getting to me."

On his way back to Westown he stared out the window of the wagon watching the scenery pass by, the lush green fields of the countryside occupied with grazing cattle.

Farmers tended to their crops with ease, working diligently as they plowed the fields and harvested baskets filled with grain, vegetables or fruit.

The profit earned solely depended on the overall quality of the crops and the freshness. Experienced farmers could earn a fortune depending on the weather conditions and how well they cared for their crops.

Living in Westown, he learned over the years; they cared for the crops and livestock. The work was tedious at times, yet he admired the ones who strived for the most in life.

"Thanks for the ride, Sir," He told the coachman as he stepped out of the wagon.

The Coachman nodded his head, stirred the horses and headed back down the road.

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