Chapter 17: Confession(Scarlett)

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Scarlett finished up sheering the sheep, returned the sheers to the rack, when Hector called her name.

"Yes?" She called peering outside the barn to see what he wanted.

He becokened her over. "C'here a moment, would ya?"

"Sure!" She jogged over to him.

"Ya finished in the barn?" He asked.

"Just finished, why what's up?"

He scratched his neck and grinned. "Ford needs some extra help at the clinic, but everyone else is too busy to help out."

Scarlett nodded her head. "Don't worry I'm on it."

She went on her way to the Clinic, wondering if Ford needed her to be his test subject again. No one else usually volunteered, which is we she offered. But when she reached the clinic, it wasn't what he wanted.

"Can you deliver this?" Ford asked as he handed her a white paper bag.

" it?" The bag felt heavy, as she peered inside, there were two bottles of medicine. "I'm...not...sick," She said.

Ford sighed. "It's not for you!" "It's for Wayne."

She tried not to show her concern, but Ford noticed. "He's fine, just a minor cold, Ethan is watching over him."

He waved her off. "Take this to him for me, I have another patient coming in."

She bid him goodbye and hurried across the train tracks in the middle of town in the direction of the post office.

"How is he?" She asked Ethan as she walked in.

Ethan shook his head. "I'm not sure, he said he felt alright an hour ago, but he came down with a fever soon after."

Walking over to his bed she sat down beside him and checked his temper. He was a little warm.

"I have medicine from Ford, it'll make you feel better." She told him as he sat up against the pillow.

Scarlett held his hand, unable to push away her guilt. "I'm sorry. If I wasn't so reckless that day-"

Wayne squeezed her hand. "I'm alright..." He coughed lightly. "Nothin' I can't handle."

He reluctantly swallowed the bitter medicine.

"Thanks for comin'," he breathed, closing his eyes.

"Don't mention it." She mumbled under her breath, letting go of his hand.

She didn't know what to do with the conflicting feelings that stirred her heart. So she went to his kitchen to prepare lemon tea.

Once the water was steaming hot she poured it into a cup with a tea bag and a spoonful of honey and brought it to him.

"Maybe next time you'll think twice about goin' on a date in the rain." Ethan smirked.

"W-what?!" Scarlett gasped, taken aback.

"She needed my help." Wayne added, flustered.

"Did she or are you just makin' up excuses?" Ethan teased as he walked around the room.

She wanted to deny the accusation, but could think of nothing to say. That day in the rain she realized something she should've realized years ago.

I like him. Her cheeks flustered at the thought.

Of all the years she's known him she never once considered that she had feelings for her best friend.

Her friends always told her she always seemed her happiest when around him, and yet she was too blind to see through her affection for him.

Ethan's smiled dropped. "Wait! Do you like him?!"

Wayne glanced at her, his blue eyes unreadable.

"I do," she replied, then threw up her hands. "This doesn't have to change anything between us I-"

There were tears in his eyes.

"This must be a dream..." Wayne sighed, nodding as to make himself believe it.

Ethan glanced between them and said. "I'll give you two a moment."

As he left the room, Scarlett fiddled with her braid, heart pounding in her chest.

"Scarlett...Look at me..." he mumbled softly.

She looked up meeting his eyes in the dim light.

"Is it true?"


Tears rolled down his cheeks and for a moment she was shocked that he felt this strongly for her.

He covered his face with his arm and chuckled. "You have no idea how truly happy this makes me!"

"Happy? Then you're not dating Lisette?" Scarlett asked.

"What? No?!" he gasped. "This whole time you thought..."

"There's always gossip around town." She defended herself. "And who wouldn't think it's real."

"Lisette is perfect in every way. She's beautiful, kind. Her customers adore her and she never seems to make any mistakes."

"You think so little of yourself?" He asked in a soft tone.

"I know a gal who is kind and selfless, puttin' others needs before her own. She works all day on a farm, cares for her livestock and crops and I admire that about her. She's the most incredible Lady I've ever met."

Scarlett smiled. "Thanks,"

An awkward silence filled the room.

Now that she confessed her true feelings she suddenly became coy.

It's been a long time since she's been in a relationship she didn't know where to start. What if she ruined this between them? What if she said the wrong thing or could be true to herself?

"Scarlett...are ya alright?" Wayne spoke squeezing her hand.

She looked at him then, all these years she never thought someone who truly loved her, for her, was beside her all this time.

"I'm sorry for making you wait for so long,"

"I don't mind," He sighed. "It was...It was worth the wait..."

"I sure hope it was, for your sake!!" I voice echoed throughout the room.

A hand grabbed her roughly and she was yanked backwards into a firm embrace.

"Your coming with me!"

Allen pulled her through the living room, but Ethan stepped in and released her from his grip.

"You can't just walk in here!" Ethan told him.

"Unhand me!" Allen threw Ethan to the floor.

"You leave him alone!" Scarlett shoved him.

Wayne came out of the room face flushed with illness.

"Allen? What are you doing?" He asked.

Allen glared at him from across the room.

"Be quiet! This has nothing to do with you or anyone else." He snapped.

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