Chapter 11: Birthday Surprise part 1(Wayne)

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"Howdy, Wayne, and happy birthday," Brad greeted him as he sat at the bar. "What can I get you today?"

"The usual Brad and thanks," Wayne answered, resting his elbows on the counter.

"Sure, coming up!" The chef said as he began preparing his meal.

Wayne sighed, his gaze trailing over the various types of wine on the shelves. Although today was his birthday he had to admit he didn't feel any different.

He often wondered what someone in their mid-20s should feel.

It was a silly, childish question, but to be honest, lately, he couldn't figure out what was troubling him so greatly. He loved his home in Westown, loved his job, and his friends.

What more could he possibly want from life?

"Here you are," Brad says as he sets a steaming hot egg omelet and a cup of coffee in front of him. "Enjoy, birthday boy."

A smile spread across his face as he notices writing in the ketchup.

Happy 25th Birthday. It read.

He ate the food as he made small talk with Brad while he dried a couple of glass cups and plates.

"So, ya have anything special planned for today?" Brad asked handing a plate of steak and mashed potatoes over to Carrie.

The mailman shook his head. "Nah, I just want to relax y'know?"

"I hear ya there," The Chef said with a smile. "The restaurant has been plenty busy these past two weeks with the number of tourists pouring in."

"Carrie was extremely stressed with all the extra mouths to feed, but I've been helping her out whenever I can." He continued. "Heck, even Frank offered a hand."

"That's generous of him," Wayne tells him drinking the last sip of his coffee.

"It is,"

He sets the money for his lunch on the counter and thanks Brad for the meal, however before he can leave he turns to his right and spots a familiar face.

"Hey, Wayne right?" Allen grinned, shaking his hand.

"Allen?" Wayne smiled wide. "What are you doing here?!"

The black-haired businessman took the empty seat next to him. "I need a refreshing drink,"

"How's it been? Have you visited the other towns yet?" Wayne asked in a curious tone of voice.

Allen leaned against the counter ordering a glass of red wine and a parmesan spaghetti dish from Brad before he spoke. "I have...all the towns are exceptionally welcoming and thriving. Why just this week I've made several purchases with promising tradesmen." He explained, then took a sip of his drink.

"Shucks sounds like you've spent your time well," The blond postman chuckled.

He didn't know the businessman very well, yet he knew from the way he carried himself the guy must be wealthy.

They ran into each other a couple of times while he was on the job, but they never really got the chance to catch up.

"Oh! Tell me did your wife receive the flowers you sent, it must've taken awhile to deliver them to the city?" Wayne questioned.

Allen appeared taken aback for a moment before he regained his composure and replied. "I'm sure she has, but I, unfortunately, haven't received any reply since then."

He remembered Scarlett informing him that shipping in the city was different than in the towns. The delivery day often solely depended on carriers and where they were shipped from.

He offered Allen a reassuring smile, patting him on the shoulder.

"Don'tcha worry, I reckon she'll come 'round, then ya two can work things out and you'll be swoonin' over her again before you know it."

Allen laughed. "Thanks for the confidence boost," Then he said in a more serious tone. "But she's not that easy to win over especially when she's pissed at me, I have to do more than deliver expensive gifts."

He sighed and took another sip of his wine and drowned it in one big gulp. He sets the glass on the counter, wiping his mouth with a cloth from out of his suit pocket.

"I think she expects me to beg for forgiveness, but I'm not the only one at fault here. We made a promise to each other to never let our emotions get the best of us and look at us now." He went on.

"I get that she wants her space and I deserve mine too, although I feel if we let this problem fester anymore there won't be any relationship to salvage."

Wayne nodded in agreement. "I understand where you're coming from, I've been there and I know one day I have to own up to my mistakes to move past them, yet I'm unsure whether to follow my head or my heart."

"Then you get it!" Allen burst out. "No problem can be solved without consequences."

"Well, I wouldn't-." He started however Allen cut him off.

"That settles it, I know what to do, thank you, Wayne, you've been an excellent help to me!" Allen rushes off after dropping fifty dollars on the counter.

"Your...welcome..." He trailed off, shocked by his abrupt departure.

Brad came over and collected the dishes.

"Golly, what was that all 'bout he seemed to be in a quiet hurry to leave?"

Wayne shrugged his shoulders, brows furrowed. "His wife I believe, he wanted advice to improve their relationship,"

"Ah, I see," He sighed, stroking his chin. "Marital problems huh?"

"I don't know much 'bout marriage or relationships for that matter, Lisette was the only gal I dated and the advice I received from my fan girls ain't much convincin' to want to share with others," Wayne put in.

Brad furrowed his brows in thought. "Marriage isn't that much different from dating, it's going the extra step further and choosing to spend the rest of your life with that person." He explained truthfully.

"In your friend's case, the best solution is for both partners to talk it out and if that doesn't work, sometimes people just don't work and that's alright."

He didn't push him for more and Wayne took it as a sign to take his leave.

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