#5- His pawn

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When he had held out his hand, she should have sensed his intensions were all wrong. Why else would her father always be so tense whenever he had to come here to meet with the Trehans?

Viraj had told his chachi she was their special guest. Where did that land her? She had been slipped something to knock her into a deep slumber.

Upon awakening, she had been told several times to do what Viraj wanted or else.

She couldn't stand Jaggi's creepy gaze on her. She missed her old life and her PG dearly.

Had it only been 18 hours ago when everything had started to turn upside down?


" I want to get my black book back. Why is this girl affecting me so much? Why did I care the way any of the men or how Jaggi looked at her?"

For Viraj Trehan , a woman had never affected him this way.

The only woman he cared about was his sister Ananya. She was his whole world since the day he found her in the streets of Delhi. In order to keep her son happy, Mandhira had arranged for everything for her now adopted daughter required. Ananya was a means to have some reconnection with the only child she had given birth to, as Shamsher worried about having more children that could be innocently harmed in their sometimes materialistic world.

She sometimes wished she had another child, but Shamsher had died before she could convince him otherwise while there still had been a chance she could become pregnant.

She was not able to love Ananya the way Viraj did.

Mandhira also disliked this Kavya Grewal.

Why was she in this house anyway? Vinod Grewal had betrayed them and Viraj was allowing his daughter to enjoy the benefits of their lifestyle?

Dhanvanaj her brother in law tried to reassure her that Viraj knew what he was doing by keeping Kavya here, but Mandhira was worried about how this girl may make things more difficult.

However, Mandhira had the sense not to burn the last threads of connection to her only blood related offspring.

Her pining away for her son, ensured she would do anything to keep him safe.

As he held her as she ran away from the intruder that had tried to kill her in her own house, he realized another thing. If it had been real, he would have regretted any harm to her.

Luckily the man was his or so he thought.

Later as he kicked Shanaya out of his room, he received a urgent call.

" Sir sorry my wife went into labor , I couldn't do your work earlier," he cried, worried Viraj would kill him and his family.

"What, then that was not your guy that came to the Grewal's house to scare Kavya?"

"No Mr. Trehan. I didn't send anyone. My wife just delivered our daughter, it was not an easy time for her. I am sorry please...

Viraj had already hung up the phone.

Kavya actually been in danger.

He slammed and broke a figurine his chachi or mother had probably placed here when he was away.

" Shoot, then who is after Kavya besides me?"

He would have to find out. No one was allowed to take his pawn away from him.

Series of one shots based on season 1 and  2 Tu Zakhm HaiWhere stories live. Discover now