Stolen Away Part Four

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 Author's note thinking of doing something like a branch out of this story, chronicles of Mr. and Mrs. Trehan, Kavya pursuing her career again. Viraj expanding his own empire and etc. I am not sure if this is even good. Thanks for the feedback either way.

He wrapped the robe around her . His fingers lingered on her skin.

She felt his warm breath on her neck.

" Relax," he whispered.

Viraj took a towel and wrapped her wet hair in it.

Holding her by her waist he led her to lay down , so her wound could be dressed.

The nurse arrived and placed the supplies nearby.

She winced as the site was cleaned. He said soothing words to her as the dressing was done.

" Have Mariam bring her some soup in 30 minutes. I will get it from the door. You may take a break. When I have to step out, you will stay with Kavya madam," he ordered.

She nodded and exited the room.

He gently sat her up.

Kavya was stunned as he dried her hair and started to do her hair.

" You seem like you had practice," she commented.

He brushed her hair a bit.

" Yeah as you can see Mandhira Trehan was not exactly the best mother figure or caregiver. Ananya , Jahaan were all I had after my father passed."

She was thoughtful.

" I am just used to your tough exterior and you usually aren't doing such soft things," she admitted.

He did his usual flicking her hair and poking her collar bone area.

" When you love and care for someone, these things come naturally," he told her.

He pulled her now dry hair back away from her bandages. He kissed her forehead.

"Now let's get you in something comfortable."

He opened the closet, to her surprise it was filled with new clothes apparently in her size.

"When did you all arrange all this?"

He raised his eyebrows at her.

"When it comes to those I care about, I don't let them go without basic needs," he replied.

" So this marriage thing is real for you?," she asked as he pulled out an outfit.

He leaned towards her and indicated towards her dressing.

" You put nail in your coffin of freedom from my world when you took that bullet for me. Your fate is sealed," he stated firmly.

He placed the clothes on the bed beside her. Then he took out her undergarments.

" I am going to head out after you are dressed. Please let me get some actual work done today. You know I can't keep chasing after you. It will mess up the power play we need to stay afloat. So don't do anything careless Kavya," he warned her.

She blushed before trying to grab everything from his grasp.

" Relax I got you."

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Ten minutes later, he emerged from the room. Kavya threw a pillow at him and winced.

" Don't strain yourself my darling wife. I will see you hopefully after I finish my work," he stated before leaving.

The soup placed beside her bed and the nurse came in to make sure she ate it.

Since she was stuck here she might as well apply for a PHD program here. She was not getting to London after all.

Series of one shots based on season 1 and  2 Tu Zakhm HaiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum