Are you jealous?

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short one based on when Mandhira had security show CCTV footage to Viraj in season. 2

  Are You Jealous?

He approached her room suddenly, she flipped the blanket over covering them.

He could tell she was startled. That is the impact he wanted. He wanted her to not let her guard up with all her psychology she knew and studied.

"I see something interesting on the CCTV footage. This man came all the way to you room without any security stopping him. I find that very interesting," Viraj declared.

Kavya looked stunned.

It was Sid, he had been caught on the CCTV footage. This was all Mrs. Trehan's doing. She hadn't left with Sid now she was trying to get Viraj upset to make her want to leave on her own.

"Did you clear security just to have a romantic reunion with him?" Did you kiss, or do more like make.."

"Stop it! I didn't invite him here. Your mother did. She wanted me to leave here," Kavya declared.

Viraj didn't listen to her.

"Why didn't you just leave with him? Why are you still here? You had the perfect opportunity to be with Sid again. Just you should remember this is Trehan mansion not some love nest!"

She glared at him.

" Are you jealous? This strong of a reaction is like when Shanaya accused me of coming between both of you," Kavya stated aghast.

He grabbed her close to himself.

" I will not tolerate just anyone coming into my home without my knowledge," he hissed.

Kavya was stunned. The look in his eyes said so much more.

He had feelings for her whether neither of them wanted to admit it or not.

He next flipped the blankets on her bed and then she grew alarmed.

Viraj would know everything now.

"You should have stayed out of my family matters!," he hissed later after seeing the pictures and confronting his mother.

He grabbed her by the back of her head.

"Trust me when I get back after handling this situation, I will show you the depth of my feelings about your actions. Also I am tightening security. No more unwanted guests in Trehan mansion," he hissed.

Series of one shots based on season 1 and  2 Tu Zakhm HaiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt