1 Hope or Hopelessness?

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POV Anna

"KRISTOFF! Bring me some of the batter from the fridge," I shouted as I keep on mixing different patches of possible fillings. At moments like this it's best to be innovative and trying to keep your mind off.

"Sure honey," Kristoff shouts. He comes from the living room and goes to this big fridge.

"You're doing a mess at my place again?" Jack groans. I see him rubbing his eyes. He is still sleepy, I know that he has been out late again. It has been like this since Elsa was taken away from him.

Slowly Jack drags himself to breakfast table and throws a plateful of cereal in front of him.

Kristoff hands me the batter and I see him sitting next to Jack.

"You should really shave and get your act together," Kristoff pats Jack's shoulder. Jack looks at him with sleepy eyes and smiles faintly.

"Yeah but I never let her see me like this," Jack laughs faintly and starts eating.

"Hey, you can try my new cookies first," I tell him.

"Elsa would love that. She really likes chocolates," Jack says quietly and continues munching. His silvery white hair is even more of a mess now. He was out last night, trying to find the people who he thinks of framing Elsa to murder.

"I know that she does but she loves you more," I sighed as I put the new set of cookies into oven. I start to fill up the first ones that just cooled off.

"Here you go. Maybe these will cheer up you both," I smile as I give Jack and Kristoff cookies. Then I took one for myself.

Jack's rolls the cookie in his hand. "Hmm... what if," he wonders and separates the bottom from the top.

"What if what?" I questioned and I see him eating the top. Now he just has the bottom with strawberry filling left.

"Mm... I have an idea of how to get Elsa out," he smiles.

"Mind sharing?" I asked but he just shakes his head while grinning mischievously.

"It's something that I will do as soon as possible. I will discuss this only with Hiccup because there's no reason to mess other innocent people into this," Jack chuckled.

"Now excuse me. I'll get going to meet up with Hiccup and then see my wife," Jack smiles and gets back upstairs. Soon we hear him being in the shower.

"This is going to be bad huh?" Kristoff questioned and I shrugged.

"We are dealing with Snowflake Burglar so who knows what he is up to," I sigh as I take out the rest of the cookies from the oven.

We've been here ever since Elsa's judgment couple weeks ago. Now it seems terrifyingly so that Elsa will give birth in prison's hospital. When they announced about her judgment, Elsa's friend, Toothiana approached me. She asked me to be with Jack so he wouldn't try anything stupid. There should be a way to get Elsa out from trouble in a right way she said.

However it seems like Jack is determined and has an idea. Maybe I'm a selfish little sister for not stopping him?

"Thanks Anna. See you tomorrow morning," Jack waved at the door. He was now dressed up into clean hoodie and pants, his face was shaved and he had dyed his hair and wearing contact lenses. He went out as the artist Jackson Overland, hiding his true self.

"That's really rough," Kristoff hummed and helped me out with dishes.

"Yes it is. Just imagine if you would have to change your appearance every time you go out," I sighed.

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