9 The Chase

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POV Anna

"What are we going to do with the girl?" One of them asked on front seat. I'm trying to squirm free from my ropes while they do their chitchat.

"Take her to Pitch, he will decide what to do," the other one said with his raspy voice.

"But Pitch is in --," the first one of them began but the other one hushed him quickly.

"Jasper! Don't reveal where he is. The girl might be awake," the slimmer one of them said. He was the one driving, tall man with dark hair and wearing a hat.

"You shut up Horace," Jasper groaned. He was chubby and short, wearing a similar hat to Horace.

While they kept on fighting I was busy on rubbing the ropes against a shard of metal which I found on the floor.

"Hey! Let's take her to Madame Mim! Pitch trusts her and she is the best disguise inventor," Jasper cheered. Soon I would be free, then I would slam van door open and jump off. Just keep on chatting you two...

"That's actually a good idea," Horace agreed and they began laughing.

"Yeah! I mean the way she made herself look like White Blizzard and then murdered that kid. I'm her big fan!" Jasper chuckled. His words made me stop getting the ropes cut. What did I just hear?

"Ssshh! She can't hear that," Horace gasped and the van did a slight wave movement when he begins to turn around on the seat. Quickly I pretend that I'm still knocked out.

"Horace, she's asleep," Jasper muttered.

"For your luck. But we need to have some rest because even Madame Mim's place is far. But she can call Pitch to pick up the redhead. Right?" Horace mumbled quietly. Now he was driving somewhat straight again.

"Yes. There's a roadside motel, let's go there!" Jasper said in enthusiasm.

They drove off from the road to some roadside motel outside the town. They had probably been driving for hours. Now I lost my interest in escaping, I need to meet Madame Mim and get evidence that she is the one who killed that child. Not Elsa or Jack. I just need to stay for a little while longer.

They climbed out from the van and then opened the sliding door.

"You take the girl and tie her to somewhere in the room I just got," Horace told him.

"Why me?" Jasper whined.

"I'm getting us some sandwiches," Horace said quietly.

"For me too!" I said when I began sitting.

"Wait, you're awake?" Horace mumbled and stares at me.

"Just woke up," I laughed nervously. Jasper came to lift me up, then he took some time and asked Horace into the van. They both stared at me from my back.

"What happened to the ropes?" Horace questioned.

"Well I don't know. I slept the whole trip," I shrugged and got up. "Get the rope from there and go and tie me up on radiator or something. Then you both can get sandwiches and I stay waiting," I smiled innocently as I pushed myself out from the van.

"Hey wait!" They both gasped and followed me. They took me into one of the rooms and did exactly how I told them to. These two are actually kind of stupid.

When they left to get the sandwiches I tried to search for a phone to use to call Elsa so I could tell her that I'm fine and I'm planning to prove their innocence for the crime. But for my misfortune there was no phone at all. They found some extra cheap motel on the way, sleeping on the floor is actually way better choice than on the bed that looks so dirty that if you wipe your finger over the bedsheet, then a layer of dirt would fall off.

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