6 Heartbreaking Lies

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POV Jack

Feeling of worry was slowly killing me on the inside. No, I'm not worried that cops might get us and throw me back to dead cell. No, I'm worried about something else and it was caused by simple phone call. Elsa has been gone for a while, she left William to Merida's care.

It felt like ages when Hiccup drove to his house. Maybe Merida could give me an explanation?

Then we were there and Hiccup drove fast to driveway. He parked the car and looks back where I'm staying with Emma.

"Okay, Jack you wait here while I go and get Merida and William," Hiccup guided me but I had already pulled open the van door. I was in a rush.

"JACK!" Hiccup yelled after me while I was getting at the door.

Merida opened up the door when I pressed the doorbell. On that moment Hiccup ran next to me, panting something about people seeing me.

"God Hiccs, where have you been! I've been with him for too long," Merida groaned while trying to comfort crying William.

I just stare at my son and I reach my hands towards him. Merida was clearly shocked to see me but she gave me William. I place Will close to my chest and he grabbed onto my clothes with his tiny hands. He was still crying a bit and I tried to shush him.

"Uh, Jack. Orange looks... weird on you," Merida said while staring at me. Then she looks at Hiccup.

"So that's what you've been doing! Breaking him out from j--," Merida groaned but Hiccup slammed his hand to cover her mouth.

"Yeah but you know Jack nor Elsa didn't do it, even your dad wasn't buying it despite the evidence. They would've killed Jack soon!" Hiccup spoke fast.

"Alright," Merida sighed after Hiccup lifted his hand.

"He is hungry. Where's his milk formula?" I asked from Merida.

"Uh... In the kitchen... speaking of which... I was just heating some but it exploded all over the kitchen so I suggest that you don't go there," Merida laughed nervously.

I roll my eyes and walk past her into the house. I head towards the kitchen.

Merida was right, their kitchen looked horrible. She had warmed up some milk in microwave and apparently made it too hot. Once she had opened the door milk had exploded everywhere.

Quickly I warm up some water on the stove while holding William. Then I place a filled milk bottle inside and wait some time. Once it was done I tested the temperature on my arm before letting William drink it.

Hiccup was anxious when I got back to the door. Merida glanced at me when I carried peacefully sleeping Will.

"Jack! We really need to go," Hiccup insisted and pulled me towards van.

We all climbed in and I look at William quickly. I gently brush my hand over his cheek, I didn't think that I'll see him ever again.

"Mer--," I began and she turned around on the front seat to look back, "-where's my wife? Where's Elsa?"

"S-she just said she had some things to do. She went with Anna and asked me to take care of him. They were supposed to be back already," Merida spoke fast and sounded like being in panic. I nod my head.

"We need to go where Peter is waiting. He will help," Emma said quickly.

"EMMA! Where's your wheelchair?" Merida almost screamed.

"I don't need one anymore. Everything will be explained soon," Emma giggled.

"Hiccs?" Merida growled. "What was I left not knowing?" She snapped.

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