12 Exploding Action

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POV Jack

Elsa is crouching right next to me. We're hiding behind some storage boxes in an area that they use to cargo stuff. So far we've encountered zero enemies, this was the safest and quietest road that Hiccup's cat Toothless found for us.

"It's been awfully long now," Elsa whispered and took my hand. She was squeezing my hand painfully, her anxiousness was clear.

"I know... I'm sure that Hiccup will contact us in a moment," I said quietly.

A door creaked open and lights went on. We pressed ourselves close to wall and tried to be as low as we could. The chatter got closer.

"This sucks!" One of them groaned.

"Yeah, I wish that Pitch would do this heavy lifting by himself and stop making us to do it," other one groaned.

"You two! Stop whining and load the truck with explosives. Once the strawberry blonde is out of picture, then we'll strike to Burgess to show them that no one should mess with the Nightmares," third one groaned.

Elsa glanced at me, their words had been horrifying.

"Jack," Hiccup called through my earphone.

"Mmm," I mumbled quietly.

"Oh, tight situation. Anyway, I spoke to Anna just now. She's now in radiosilence but going to meet some Madame Mim. She has the camera from Toothless. Man she's brave! She'll gather the needed evidence to prove that you did not do the murder," Hiccup sounded excited.

"Okay," I whispered.

"So you don't get bored. How about some music?" Hiccup laughed. He put on some Amaranthe that nearly split our ears.

"Hiccup, not now," I groaned as quietly as I could.

"Sorry," he said chuckling. I rolled my eyes to Elsa who was smiling a bit. "Just wait until I tell you to go for it. Then just make your way to Anna and get her out, I'll tell you instructions on the way. Map is done,"Hiccup said and sounded secure.

"Did you hear about the bombs"? I said as silently as I could while the thugs were at the truck.

"Umm.. nope. What bombs?" Hiccup sounded curious, in a scared way though.

"They're loading a truck while we speak. They're planning an attack," I whispered.

"What? Oh heck... so we need to stop that too?" Hiccup raised his voice.

"Yeah. Any ideas?" I muttered.

"Well, for sure I need you two to get inside that truck and tell me what kind of bombs. We need to make them safe," Hiccup sighed.

"How could bombs be safe?" Elsa asked. She looks irritated, looking around her. We both know that this will probably slow us down before we can go to Anna.

"Good point, they can't. Anyway I'm sure that Anna can handle herself for little while longer. Get your asses to that truck both of you," Hiccup ordered us.

"Okay," Elsa and I replied in unison. I peek over the boxes but I have to get down quickly. One of them was getting a box from near us. Elsa's hand is holding my arm, her eyes are narrowing while she focuses. We need to do this quickly, quietly and in secret.

POV Anna

They brought me into a new room and left me. The light was rather dark, going bit into the shade of red. It was weird. I just hope that the camera can get a clear view and get the information I need.

"Ah, there's the young lady," someone giggled behind a divider wall. I flinched when I saw through the white fabric how someone was reaching to pull the string of lamp.

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