2 Who to Blame?

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POV Jack

"This is so wrong William," I whisper to my son as I sway him to sleep. It's hard not to cry when I'm doing this alone. Comforting him while my wife remains in prison for a crime which I am sure that she didn't do.

William looks into my eyes but soon he gets sleepy. I'm holding him until he falls asleep, then gently I place a kiss on his forehead. "Your mom was right, she was having my son and... I love you so much. Please forgive me?" I gulped and then I took deep breath. My breath hitched while I did so.

He was finally sleeping, my one week old little boy. Elsa had been locked up in the death row cell. She's not allowed to see anyone at this point besides some other inmates. Someone is pulling the strings, making the system fasten her sentence being finalized. I can't wait any longer.

I go search for Emma, she's the only one today with me. Finally.

Slowly I walk towards the living room of my mansion. Emma is there reading one of her books. "Hey," I whisper and she stops reading the book. Her fingers had been running over the dots in the book for a while.

"Jack?" Emma whispered back and turns her chair around. She's a bit confused because this time I was keeping quiet so William wouldn't wake up in my lap.

"I need to go out so I can get some baby's milk formula. I'm gonna be back soon," I told her when I gave William for her to hold. I noticed how a smile spread on her face.

Quickly I started to empty the diaper back to living room table. "Give a call to one of the maids if diaper needs changing. Pacifier is on the right and milk bottle on left," I explained.

"Thank you Jack," Emma whispered. William just yawned in his sleep and seeing him made my heart ache since I would have to go soon. "Shouldn't you go and get some more of the formula?" Emma questioned and raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, you are right," I laughed quietly and nervously. I walk towards the door.

Then I pause and I turn around before going out from living room. "Look after the baby?" I asked.

Emma's laughter was amused. "Jack, I can't see but I will do my best," she hummed.

"Thanks Ems," I whisper and turn around. I wipe away the tear that ran down on my cheek.

I love you William, I really do. Never doubt it.

I thought when I took the bag from the corner of entry hall. "Thanks Hiccs," I smile faintly as I look at the contents of the bag. Then I run out from the mansion, to my bike. It's evening already.

POV Elsa

The cell door slams open. Some light finally reached the dark corners of my cell.

"Time for your stretching up walk," the guard said to me. I nod my head slowly. North had set it up in a way that I could go out for walks few times a day from my cell. It's the time for my evening routine.

"Don't do anything stupid," the guard hummed when she opened up the door to prisoners shared areas.

"I have no intentions to do so," I whispered as I walk in. My hand goes over to my stomach for a moment. A week ago I could still feel his kicks but he was taken away from me. At least Jack will be with him, see him growing up when I can't.

I hear how the other inmates are gasping and shouting over something. They have gathered around television.

"How she can be in two places!" An inmate called Eep yelled.

I went closer to see what was going on. Eep noticed me and her eyes widen when she sees me.

"White Blizzard has escaped!!" Some girl shouted.

"N-no she has not," Eep whispered and few girls turn to look at me.

"What on earth is going on?" I groaned and then I heard the news lady Jane Porter.

"Just recently we found out that White Blizzard is the one to blame for the robbery of a bank. Police are tailing her currently and we just managed to get footage of her. It's still unclear of how she managed to escape from prison to get here," Jane Porter spoke.

I narrow my eyes, some guards are running on the background and the guard who brought me here is trying to calm other guards that I am still here.

I see how a girl is running on rooftops, her platinum blonde hair is tied into French braid. She moves really easily, jumping to a rooftop that's lower than other. She looks... like me?

"What the heck," I gulped.

I gasp when a police fired towards her, me. The bullet hit the mysterious persons shoulder and she fell to fire escape ladders. The police points the light at that girl. She seems exhausted while holding her bleeding shoulder.

Everyone remains quiet as the cameras zoom in.

"Now they have her cornered. It seems like the chase is over," Jane Porter spoke again. I'm just staring at the mysterious person in misbelieve. Then she dropped the bag she was holding, it probably contained the loot.

"What is she doing!" One inmate yelled.

The figure started laughing. It didn't sound like a girl at all. The gates open up around us and I notice how guards point at me and run towards me. Quickly I squeeze myself in between other inmates. I need to watch this.

I cover my mouth to muffle my gasp. That person started pulling off a mask.

"It seems like you caught me!" A man cheered. He had a sly smirk, his brown hair was windblown and messy looking. His blue eyes were determined.

What are you doing. Stop this, Jack. I thought.

Other inmates were blabbering around me.

"A dramatic twist in this chase. It seems like the robber was in fact Jackson Overland, the famous artist of Burgess!" Jane Porter gasped. I watch in horror how the guns are pointed at my husband.

"I wonder how you people could be this stupid! There never was a White Blizzard," Jack laughed and I just shook my head in horror as he started to wash off his hair dye. My heart was beating hurtfully.

"W-what is going on?" Jane Porter gasped and turned around. People were yelling, pointing at Jack and enchanting 'Snowflake Burglar' all over again.

"I used my girlfriend, Elsa Arendelle's identity. I ended up marrying her but who cares! I had my fun," Jack laughed emotionlessly. His hand squeezes his bleeding shoulder.

"Please don't," I whispered and my body was shaking. The guards were pulling some wildly yelling inmates away, they were starting a riot around me but I kept watching at the television while embracing myself.

"Snowflake Burglar was always White Blizzard. I'm so fucking tired of this shit of my wife taking all the honors of things that I've done," Jack shouted and my eyes widen. "L-like," I heard him speaking again. I notice how he hesitates. "LIKE MURDERING THAT KID!" Jack finally shouted the thing aloud which I was afraid for him doing.

It was like my body had just been dropped down from high, my heart feels empty. Jack had just taken the blame. This is his way of saving me. I drop down to my knees and I begin to cry.

"They caught him!" One inmate yelled and pointed at television. I glance up at the screen quickly and I see how they are taking struggling Jack into police car. Tears stream down on my cheeks and I look down again.

I didn't struggle when two guards grab me and drag me away. I'm just crying. He sacrificed himself for me, for William. Until now he kept his identity a secret but now he just revealed himself, taking blame over something that neither of us did.

The guards threw me into cell again. I crawl up into a ball, swaying myself while crying. They're figuring out what to do concerning me.

"T-this is all my fault," I cry quietly. This would have never happened if I wouldn't have been part of the Nightmares.


This was Jack's plan.

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