3 Walk Out

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POV Elsa

I stare at the door which opens up, an inmate walks in but it's not him. I sigh as the guy goes three booths to my left. This waiting feels so bad.

The door opens once again and I hold my breath. I saw how a guy is pushed in.

"Watch it!" He shouts to the guard and glares at him. I'm just staring at him, my heart is filled with joy and worry as I look at him.

"Jack," I whisper and wait until he turns around.

I lift up tiny little William better on my lap. Jack's eyes widen when he saw me and I saw his eyes sparkle when he noticed who I brought with me. Then it all vanished and he was strict. Slowly he walks towards the booth and sits in front of me.

I smile to him and I touch the glass which separates us. His eyes saddened for a moment and he touched the glass from the other side, above mine.

Then he pointed at the phone on his side and I take the one on my side.

Now his voice was clear even though he spoke really quietly. "Elsa, you shouldn't be here," he told me and his eyes look into mine clearly. William baby talked and Jack seems to hear it because I saw him chuckling a bit and looking at our child.

"No I shouldn't but neither should you. Do you know how much work Toothiana did so I could see you," I speak fast. We didn't have much time given to us.

"At least they took all your charges out? Didn't they?" Jack insisted and leans against the table in front of him.

"They did," I mumble.

"Good," he hummed and stares down at his hand which he keeps resting over the table.

"W-when will they judge you?" I whisper. It's really worrying me.

"Well, after you go I'm going to go with other inmates. My private stay is over and they say that week later is the trial," Jack sighed and leans back on the chair.

My eyes widen. An assumed child murderer is put with other inmates. "They will kill you," I cried aloud.

Jack smiles faintly. "It's not like I won't be judged to death. I'm fine Els, as long as you live. Besides this time I won't run and let other people die," he laughed a bit. The guard walks over to him and I see Jack's eyes frightened.

"Get the fuck out! I don't want to see you! Y-you're a stupid cunt!" Jack yelled at me. The guard grabbed onto him and I drop down the phone.

Couple guards run to him when he knocked down the chair which he was sitting on.They grab him and drag him out. William is crying a bit and I hush him.

I know he didn't mean it. He is just trying to prove them that he 'hates' me which was the reason why he 'framed' me.

I breathe heavily and then I beat the glass with my hand.

"Jack," I whisper and then I began to chant his name loudly. "JACK!" I cried aloud. Then he looks over his shoulder, just before they take him out from the room.

The thing he mouthed quietly calmed down my aching heart. 'I love you'.

"I love you too," I whisper to myself.

Then I got out from the prison. Anna was waiting me outside in her car. I put William on his seat and then I got in.

"How did it go?" Anna questioned.

"He loves me," I managed to sob out. Anna wrapped her arms around me and then offered me some chocolates.

"We will get the best lawyer there is," Anna smiles to me.

She Stole My Heist 2 ( JELSA / Big 5 / 6 / 8 /9 ....)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora