13 The Bomb Truck

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POV Rapunzel

"Hiccup just sent me something!" I cheered and Merida rushed by my side.

"What is it?" Merida urged me to tell. Her excitement nearly knocked my mug down.

I opened up the file with voice recording then I gave her another set of headphones. We both listened carefully.

"That's Anna," Merida gasped. I nodded my head slowly while listening, Anna was having a conversation with someone in the recording.

"Wait... is this?" I gulped as I took the headphones down. I stare at Merida in shock and she's staring at me back. Slowly we're realizing what we just heard.

A wide smile spreads on our faces and Merida takes her headphones off. We took each other's hands and then hugged each other tightly.

"The proof! WE HAVE THE PROOF!" We both squealed after I yelled loudly.

Then someone cleared their throat behind us. We let go of each other and we saw Peter, he was holding baby William and Emma was standing right next to him.

"We came to ask how things are going but... now I'm interested of what you guys are so excited about?" Emma grinned and crossed her arms.

"Here, listen by yourself," Merida urged and placed the headphones on Emma's head after she guided her closer to the table. I gave my set to Peter and then I pressed the recording to repeat.

They listened in silence and once it was over they took the headphones off. Emma's smile was happy and she sighed in relief.

"Now we can clear both Jack and Elsa's names," Peter cheered.

"Yes! Anna did awesome job. I bet that she didn't run because she wanted to get this," Merida laughed.

I was about to say something as well but then I got a call coming on the computer.

"Hiccup is calling. Wait a little while?" I spoke quickly and they agreed.

I took the call, "Hiccup HI! These news were so great. So I guess that you're already on your way back? Give the mic to Anna!"

"Punz, things are not going so smoothly. I was just about to run and fetch Anna, she got into serious trouble with Pitch. However Gladly you guys sent Kristoff, Eugene, Hiro and Baymax for help--," Hiccup began but I gasped loudly.

"Wait what! We didn't send them," I groaned.

"Oh, well I guess the guys then came to aid by themselves. Nice anyway... here, let me show you what kind of image Toothless is sending to me," Hiccup cheered and my pc began showing video.

We saw a battle going on, the guys were protecting Anna and battling against the enemies.

"Shit," Hiccup mumbled while we stared at the screen.

"What's the matter?" Merida asked, she was sounding concerned.

"Elsa and Jack... they're in serious trouble. They say the truck is on the move and about to explode," Hiccup gulped.

"What truck?" Emma raised her voice.

"At bridge in here," Hiccup explained and a roadmap opened up into my screen.

"Peter, we need to go and help," Emma said loudly.

"Sure babe. Would Merida take care of Will?" Peter asked and handed the baby to Merida.

"Are you two able to handle it?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Of course. We're a team, Peter and I. He can do some cool stuff too," Emma grinned.

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