7 Escaping from a Nightmare

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POV Hiro

Punzie has a lot of explaining to do. She had to explain things to me when I was driving her and Flynn to safe location to meet everyone. I mean I knew that the person pulling the strings was female but I didn't know it was her.

"So how come you're alive?" Jack insisted and crossed his arms.

"I thought you died in the explosion," Merida gasped.

"Well we thought so too," Flynn sighed as she handed a cup of coffee to Punzie and sat next to her.

"Yes. So after we defeated Gothel we were locked in. We thought that it was our end," Punzie said silently and stared at her mug which she held in her hands.

"However when we sat on the floor, embracing each other we felt this strange airwave coming through floor!" Flynn cheered and Punzie nodded her head and looks at us smiling.

"I guess Gothel didn't want to die there after all. She planned on escaping through that hatch," Punzie grinned.

"Wait. What hatch?" Hiccup wondered aloud and rubbed his neck. He had been exploring that buildings blue prints for ages, trying to figure out if there was any way that Punzie and Flynn could have survived and he found nothing. He even called me few times, to test his theories.

"There was a hatch Hiccup. It led into some tunnels that were dug under that house and they ended in Snuggly Duckling," Punzie giggled.

"Dad told me about it. Isn't it filled with criminals?" Merida raised her eyebrow.

"Well, technically each one of you is criminal," I mumbled aloud and they began staring at me. "Hey, chill. You're the most less criminals among all criminals!" I gulped. Jack was sitting next to me and he began laughing and messing up my hair.

"It's fine kiddo," Jack grinned and I rolled my eyes and responded to his smile. Jack definitely has a warm heart like Tadashi had.

"Anyway we got help from the thugs there. Punzie sure is a peoples charmer even though those guys wanted to beat me up... I've come up some scams in my life as Jack and Hiccup well know," Flynn chuckled.

"We do," Hiccup and Jack groaned in unison. I wonder what their shared personal history is?

"Yeah! Remember when we were kids and I tricked you that I live in this fancy mansion and you guys went in there and that hound bit some holes in your pants," Flynn laughed.

"WE DO!" Jack and Hiccup shouted in unison, their voices were bitter cold. Then there was a long silence. Really long when people were staring the sparks which were flying between them.

"I'm really curious. Whose bodies were found after the explosion?" Merida questioned and broke the awkward silence. A relieved sigh escaped from me.

"That's where I come in picture," Detective Basil laughed and took couple sips from his pipe and then blew the smoke into air.

"Yes. He alternated the police reports. And my parents brought two unidentified bodies from the fire location who they identified as me and Flynn," Punzie shrugged.

"Whoa, your parents were on this too?" I gasped and my eyes widened. Punzie nodded and smiled at me gently.

"But .... why?" Jack said, his voice clearly showed all the misery which their friends death had caused.

"We needed to be thought to be dead. Pitch Black is still ruling the underworld and he needs to be stopped. That's why we had to act like we're dead and have disguises,"Punzie explained.

"Oh," I whispered. Punzie's hair was cut and dyed into brown. However she was the person she always used to be.

"Speaking of disguises. Mr. Overland needs one and I trust him into your hands dear Rapunzel," detective Basil said and pointed at Jack before standing up. He left the meeting room and left us all there.

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