11 Let the Cat Out of the Bag

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POV Anna

Once we got to the place where those two were taking me I saw the first glimpse of Madame Mim. She was a bit chubby with light purple hair. Really confident woman and she was bragging, bragging of her skills with disguises. That's when I heard that she dressed herself as Elsa and framed her for murder.

Then they locked me into a room upstairs. There's no light but when they opened the door I noticed the ripped wall papers, messy broken furniture and fabrics. It's like haunted house.

"This can't be happening!" I groaned after trying to figure out how to get out and get the real evidence I need. My word won't go well against anyone because Elsa is my big sister.

I go to lie against the wall, weighting the odds and what should I do next.

"I could steal a phone from one of them? Record their speech with it," I thought aloud.

"But it's tricky," I sighed and then my stomach growled. The last thing I ate was that sandwich that those useless two brought me.

I heard scratching behind the wall all of a sudden. It felt odd and it totally woke me up from my thoughts. There was a loose board and quickly I crawl closer to it. I flinched when a paw came out from the narrow gap where I was about to touch.


The sound of a cat echoed inside the room where they locked me into. I bit my bottom lip as I pulled the board off, then the cat easily pawed inside the room. It began circling around me, purring and pushing itself against me. It took me a while to see it correctly in the dark, that black cat which came to keep me company.

"Wait... Toothless?" I gulped. I've seen this cat while visiting Merida and Hiccup at their home. It's Hiccup's cat. It meowed a response and crawled into my lap.

"H-how are you this far from home?" I whispered as I petted its back. The sound of buzzing made me startle.

"Gosh I'm glad that I added a microphone since last time!" Hiccup's relieved voice came out from somewhere.

"H-hiccup? How?" I wondered aloud, trying to see if he was other side of the room where Toothless came out.

"Hey Anna, nice to see you," Hiccup laughed little.

"See me? Where are you?" I insisted to know.

"Look at Toothless and his collar," Hiccup said and sounded bit amused.

I did as he told and I saw a camera with microphone hanging on the collar. "Oh," I exhaled.

"Yeah. Well stay put, Toothless just showed Jack and Elsa where you are. They're coming to get you," Hiccup ordered me.

"Jack? He is alive?" I raised my voice a bit but then I silenced. Some steps approached the door, I suggested Hiccup to be quiet too by lifting my finger in front of my mouth in a way that he could see it in the camera. Then the steps went away and I sighed from relief.

"Umm... yeah he is even though Elsa nearly killed him. She was too a bit surprised that he was alive," Hiccup snorted.

"I see...," I mumbled. Then I gasped from shock.

"Don't let them come here! Not yet!" I said quickly. Now I had my chance.

"Why not?" Hiccup sounded a bit frightened by my reaction.

"Can I take the camera from Toothless? I know who framed them for the murder. I know who disguised as Elsa and who she is working for. I just need to record it," I explained quickly.

"Alright. Good luck. Get back here Toothless!" Hiccup spoke while I was taking the collar off from the cat.

Quickly I attached the small camera to my clothes and Toothless disappeared to the gap in the wall.

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