10 Surpriseful helper

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POV Punzie

"Take a turn to the right. They're closing some location," I kept on explaining the route. Once they get there it would be Hiccup's turn to hack the blueprints and possible security cameras. He will get them in safely and I'm sure of it.

"Copy that," Hiccup replied. I saw their car turning on the screen. Their distance to that van which supposively has Anna is now one hour.

"Now drive straight until you reach the next city. I'll alert you if something changes and I'll continue guiding you when we know where they went there," I told to them.

"Thanks Punz," Jack spoke to me.

"No problem," I smiled even though they can't see me.

I closed the microphone of mine, I have an earplug still in my ear so I can hear if something goes wrong.

"I didn't know that your husband is such a crazy driver," I grinned to Merida. She had been behind me this whole time.

"Lass, you have no idea. When situation is serious he will do whatever it takes," Merida chuckled. Then she turned serious all of a sudden.

"What is it?" I asked from her while we were going to get some coffee from the breakroom. So we don't fall asleep in the middle of everything.

"Where were you all this time? Everyone went to your funeral," she frowned. I open up the door for her and go inside right after her. We got coffee mugs and sat around the table. I heard some minor chatting coming from my earplug, Jack and Elsa were talking.

"Uh... We escaped into tunnels and ended up in The Snuggly Duckling. There we were helped out, however we then saw how Pitch Black was running around free. He was wounded but not dead," I sighed.

"That's when we decided that we need to keep an eye on them. Disappear and be thought dead since we heard about their plan to hurt everyone who was dealing with Jack and Elsa," I continued.

"Everyone? I think that nothing has happened to me or Hiccup, or Hiro and his friends," Merida mumbled and took a sip of her coffee.

"They planned to blame the death of Basil on Hiccup and then your father for doing false evidence. Trust me, this is a really big picture which I found out from Basil when I found out that he has been onto something for long time," I whispered.

"So you could've stopped Elsa being kidnapped. You knew about the plan to kill Basil!" Merida gasped, she sounded angry.

I just shook my head, "Unfortunately I didn't know that they planned to use Elsa for that. My parents gave us their summer location for shelter. I'm sorry that it took this long for us to contact everyone. Hiro was one of the first because he was someone who we knew the least amount of time. He wouldn't have been the first one to be targeted by the Nightmares," I say quietly. I mean each word I said.

"Well I'm glad that you're back," Merida finally smiled faintly and touched my arm.

"We're in the city Punz," Elsa's voice spoke.

I stood up and took my mug.

"What is it?" Merida asked.

"We need to guide them to the location. They arrived to the city," I explained while hurrying back to my pc.

"Punz?" Elsa called me.

"I'm here," I said when I sat in front of my pc.

"Tell us where to go," Hiccup spoke. I gave them the instructions and they were getting closer and closer until...

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