Chapter 2 - Predator Case

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Brianna was on patrols in a police patrol car until she saw a robber running past the car "this is officer Moghorn we got a 10:31-" he said over the walky talky but Judy ran past them chasing the robber so Brianna chased the robber as well since Judy wasn't a 'real' police rabbit to the others so they began to chase him until he went through a small gap in a fancy iron but Judy actually managed to get through "hey metre maid! Wait for the real cops!" the Rhino officer yelled to Judy but Brianna used big objects to manage jumping over the fence to the small town and continue to chase after the criminal with Judy. No objects could help with stopping this criminal but Judy managed to throw him down but he kicked a big plastic donut towards Judy "have a donut, copper!" the weasel said as it threw itself towards Judy but she missed it until it was going for some little gerbil creatures so two of them ran as one stayed screaming but Judy and Brianna caught it before it landed on her "love your hair" they both said "oh, thank you" the little animal said as she put her finger and curled her hair around. The weasel picked up his bag "come to papa" he pat the bag but he turned as saw Judy trapping him with the donut.


Officers where coming in and out of the station "you're going to have to wait in line just like everyone else, ok Mrs. Otterton?" Benjamin Clawhouser asked the little Otter in front of his desked but was surprised by a Weasel in a donut rolling in whilst Brianna skidding in with him as everyone stared at them "I caught the Weasel!" Judy said as Brianna groomed her uniform "Hopps!" Chief Bogo shouted from the third floor "uh oh" someone mumbled. "Abandoning your post in sight of a scurry. Reckless endangerment of rodents but to be fair, you did stop a master criminal from stealing two dozen of moldy onions" Chief Bogo said as he showed her the bag but Judy corrected him with her farm expertise "shut your tiny mouth now!" he raised his voice "sir, I caught the bad guy. That's my job" she told him confidently "your job is putting tickets on parked cars!" he corrected "sir, Mrs Otterton's here to see you again" Clawhouser informed him over the radio "not now" he said back "ok, I just didn't know if you'd wanna see her or-" Clawhouser carried on "not now!" Chief Bogo repeated "sir! I don't want to be a metre maid. I want to be a real cop" Judy pleaded "do you think the mayor asked what I wanted when he assigned you to me? Life is not where you sing a little song and your specific dreams magically come true! So let it go" Chief Bogo said.

"Chief Bogo please. Five minutes of your time, please!" Mrs Otterton pleaded "sorry sir, I tried to stop her but she is so slippery" Clawhouser came in after her with Brianna panting for air "ma'am as I told you, we're doing everything we can but right now I am very busy" Chief Bogo said calmly as he walked over to her "my husband has been missing for 10 days. His name is Emmet Otterton" she said "yes I know" the chief said "he's a florist. We have two beautiful children. He would never just disappear" she told him "ma'am, our detectives are very busy" chief Bogo "please! There's got to be someone to find my Emmet" she pleaded "Mrs Otterton-" he began "I will find him" Judy interrupted making the Chief grumbled under his breath and Brianna looked at him "oh thank you! Bless you, bless you little bunny!" she hugged Judy "here take this, find my Emmet. Bring him home to me and my babies please" she pleaded to Judy "ahem! Mrs. Otterton, please wait out here" Chief Bogo said "of course. Oh thank you both so much" she responded as he closed the door behind her "you're fired" he told Judy "what? Why?!" Judy asked "Insubordination! Now I'm going to open this door and you are going to tell that Otter you're a former metre maid with delusions of grandeur who will not be taking the case" he ordered as he opened the door only to see assistant mayor Bellewether with Brianna and Mrs Otterton "I just heard officer Hopps is taking the case!" she praised "assistant mayor Belleweather" he gestured with a smile "the mammal inclusion initiative is really starting to pay off. Mayor Lionheart is going to be so Jazz!" she got excited "no let's not tell the mayor just yet" he begged "and sent it. And it is done so I did do that. All right. Well, I'd say the case is in good hands. Us little guys reall need to... stick together to get, right?" she asked Judy "like glue" she responded "that's a good one. Yeah. Just call me if you ever need anything, okay? You've always got a friend at city hall, Judy. Alright, bye-bye!" she walked off with Mrs Otterton and Brianna.

Chief Bogo closed the door behind them and he sighed "I will give you 48 hours" he said "yes!" Judy cheered "that's two days to find Emmet Otterton" he said "ok" she said "but! You strike out. You resign" he threatened and Judy took a second to think "ok. Deal" she agreed "splendid. Clawhauser will give you the complete case file" he said as he opened the door letting her out.

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