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"So I heard Finn and Puck gave you two the full tour today." Mercedes said when they were all having dinner. "What'd you think?"

"I really like it here." Quinn answered.

"Me, too." Santana agreed. "I could see myself staying here."

"What about Louisville?" Sam wondered.

Santana shrugged. "I could figure things out here instead of in a cheerleading uniform in Kentucky."

"Wait, are you really thinking about staying?" Puck asked.

"I'm considering it." Santana responded.

"That would be awesome." Finn noted, looking at Sam and Quinn. "Guys?"

"I don't have any plans for after graduation yet." Sam told everyone. "I was thinking New York, but with Mercedes here, who knows?"

"Yeah, maybe I should wait for Brittany." Santana muttered. "Six more months in Lima won't be so bad."

"As fun as it would be for all of us to be here together, New Haven is my home right now." Quinn explained. "Although who knows what'll happen after graduation?"

"Really?" Puck wondered.

"Maybe." Quinn said.

"Puck and I are looking for a two bedroom place." Finn informed everyone. "But if you're all coming, maybe we could, like, get a house or something."

"Well, if me and Quinn come here, it won't be for a while." Sam noted. "But work something out with Mercedes. I hate that she lives alone."

"We could use the money my mom gave me to find a four bedroom apartment." Santana suggested. "Or two two bedrooms, and be neighbors."

"We can figure it out." Puck nodded.

"Okay, then back to business." Santana decided. "Can we throw a New Year's Eve party at your place?"

"Sure." Puck said. "That'll be fun."

"Let's go out drinking." Santana said when they finished eating.

"Yeah, Mercedes, do you have any favorite bars?" Puck wondered.

"I thought you would." Mercedes noted.

"I wanna try something different tonight." Puck stated. "Any suggestions?"

"Sure." Mercedes nodded. "I'll text you the address."

"Cool." Puck said. "Everyone has their fake IDs?"

Everyone nodded, and the group of six headed out.


"Hey." Quinn said, sitting down with Finn and Puck at the bar.

"Hey." Finn replied.

"You guys really seem like you're finding your way here." Quinn stated.

"Yeah." Finn answered. "I mean, Puck's got this really great business, and it's been fun to hang out and sleep around and party. It's kinda like college."

"Oh, yeah." Quinn muttered as she looked at Puck.

"Finn, Finn, you gotta come see this!" Sam exclaimed as he hurried over. "I'm pretty sure I just saw that girl from the commercial with the dog."

"Really? Where?" Finn questioned Sam as he led him away.

Puck kept his eyes on Santana and Mercedes, who were drinking and dancing.

"You've really found a home here, huh?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah." Puck said.

"Do you get homesick?" Quinn wondered. "I mean, it must be better now that Finn's here, but do you ever miss-?"

"No." Puck interrupted. "Lima was a hellhole. Leaving was good."

"Is that why you didn't come home for Christmas?" Quinn asked.

Puck looked at Quinn.

"I would've went to see Beth with you." Quinn added.

"I know." Puck said.

"Are we okay?" Quinn wondered.

"We?" Puck repeated.

"You and me." Quinn clarified.

"Yeah, we're cool." Puck nodded. "Why wouldn't we be?"

Quinn gave Puck a look.

"Because we slept together?" Puck guessed.

"Because it's you and me." Quinn replied.

"We can sleep together without it meaning anything, Quinn." Puck stated.

"I know, but..." Quinn bit her lip. "I haven't stopped thinking about it."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"Every time I see you, I think about leaving Yale and just coming here to be with you." Quinn confessed.

"So stop seeing me." Puck responded.

"Noah." Quinn sighed.

"Seriously." Puck muttered. "We'll get over each other if we're apart."

"I don't want you to not be in my life." Quinn told Puck.

"I don't want that either." Puck noted. "But we can't talk about being together every time we're together."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"I thought we were on the same page about all of this." Puck stated.

"We are." Quinn insisted.

"Good 'cause I was thinking." Puck continued. "You have, like, four years of school ahead of you, which means I have four years to make a real career for myself and four years to get all of the sleeping around out of my system."

"And then what?" Quinn asked.

"And then I'll be ready for you." Puck answered. "You could come here and we could be together. Like, for real this time. With no accidental pregnancies."

Quinn didn't say anything.

"I know it sounds crazy, but-"

"It doesn't sound crazy." Quinn interrupted.

"Then what is it?" Puck wondered.

"I didn't realize you thought about a future with me like that." Quinn stated with a small smile.

"Oh." Puck nodded slowly as his cheeks turned red. "Well, you know. It's us."


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