Twenty-Eight: Swimming Competition

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A/N: Only 4 Chapters left and the book will be completed. It's been a year. Sorry JenSoo babies :'( Hope u enjoy the story. Planning to convert again. Let me know what you like.


After cleaning herself up in the rental center's washroom, courtesy of Joy's key to help her avoid the port-a-potties, Jennie sat down at a small bistro table with her friends.

Soojoo had disappeared into her limo, no doubt her makeshift dressing room, and Kim Hanbin had completely vanished. The other guests milled around, laughed about the songstress's plunge into the lake, and generally enjoyed the afternoon with their cocktails and barbecued goodies. Jennie was relieved that the day was going smoothly, regardless of the childish feud taking place.

Everyone watched and cheered as the children's events took place, swimming, volleyball, and a paddleboat race. Jennie remembered the Regatta fondly from her childhood and could almost feel the sense of grandeur she experienced when being crowned the swimming champ. At ten years old, it was the biggest accomplishment in the world, and everyone wanted to be her, at least in her mind.

She sensed now that nobody would want to be in her shoes these days, the center of a celebrity scandal, fighting over the invisible woman. But hey, at least I kicked Soojoo's ass. Jennie smiled to herself, knowing that she had added a new installment to her Regatta memory repertoire, one of Kim Soojoo falling head over heels into the lake. She thought it might even dethrone the memory of accepting her first place trophies on the podium all those years ago.

Mino hosted a game-show style trivia challenge and Jennie, Joy, and Si-hyeon watched from the sidelines. Jennie was downcast about Jiyong's early departure, having had to call it quits for the day to go lay in a dark room. He would have excelled in this event.

Every so often Jennie would look over at the swarm of reporters tucked away on the side of the property and they would light up with her eye contact. They gestured wildly for her to come over, they snapped pictures with their giant telephoto lenses, and she saw their mouths calling out to her, although she couldn't hear them across the distance and over the piped in music. She decided she had given them enough over the past week, and they'd just have to be disappointed.

It was then time for the last event of the day, the adult singles swimming race.

Of course the organizers left this one to the end, those devious drama-hungry bastards.

Mino announced the event over the loudspeaker, and Kim Soojoo came gliding out of the limo, fresh as a botoxed daisy, her crew capturing every moment of her second grandiose entrance of the day. Her fans squealed from the sidelines and the paparazzi pit flashed and shouted. She stopped for a few minutes to talk to them, yet again. Jennie couldn't fathom what could possibly be left to say.

Perhaps she's explaining the rules to her newly invented sport of canoe-paddle-jousting.

Jennie took sight of her. Soojoo was in the teensiest blue bikini she'd ever seen, adorned with a gold chain hanging from hip to hip. Her breasts were pushed up and together, and the flimsy fabric barely covered her nipples.

It's like she's hoping for a wardrobe malfunction. Doesn't surprise me one bit. She's pulling out all the stops.

She looked down at her own one-piece black bathing suit. It wasn't designed for tanning or maxim photoshoots. It was a piece of athletic equipment.

In a moment of boldness inspired by Soojoo's ridiculous get-up, she strode confidently over to the press. Soojoo was too busy thrusting her hips to one side, extending her long slender legs, giving duck-face and smizing, to notice the shorter woman at her side, posing goofily.

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