Chapter Thirty-Two: JJ Happily Ever After

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Jennie walked like the undead, her pace slow her face like stone, and her high heels dangling from her limp hand. The only thing that betrayed her living breathing state were the tears that pooled in her eyes and occasionally slid down her cheeks.

Her heart had gone from broken to mended to busted again in the space of a few hours, and she wondered how much more it would be able to handle before being condemned permanently.

What a cruel joke, she thought to herself. Showing up with a beautiful song, putting on a big show, then taking off.

It had been like dangling bait in front of her and ripping it away. A sneak peek at the incredible woman who had made her feel alive, finally.

Maybe not so incredible after all.

Jennie passed the Kims' property, covered in machinery. Caution tape decorated the lawn and the bulldozer was back and ready to roll come morning. The sight of it was like a kick to the rubble that remained of her heart. Everything was for nothing. She had come through all of this with nothing to show for it but some dubious google search results under her name.

She finally made her way up her own laneway, the pain finally setting into her naked feet. She saw a pale yellow flicker far up ahead and was relieved to see light after her long trek down a dark back road. It probably hadn't been the safest idea she ever had, but she couldn't bring herself to care. At least Jiyong and Chaerin were home by the fire, although she dreaded doing any explaining about what they had missed.

As she rounded a slight curve, the fire pit came into view. It was completely dark.


She reached the house and noticed her parents car was gone, She fumbled at her dress for a split second before realizing she had no pockets, no keys.


As Jennie turned around the side of the cottage, she finally saw the source of the flickering flames she'd seen from a distance. A tiki torch stood tall in the middle of the lawn, blazing orange light from the top. In fact, there was a row of torches, one after the other, spread across the lawn leading to the boathouse. She looked at the cottage, which seemed dark on the inside.

Nobody home. It wasn't like Dad to leave flames burning unattended.

She approached the first torch with trepidation. A small piece of paper was tied to the pole with string. It flapped gently in the night breeze. Jennie untied the loose bow and unfolded it. A note.

I still owe you a ride in my boat. fifty pounds of firewood, and full smores services. I don't welch on my deals.

A small piece of Jennie's shattered heart reassembled itself. She crossed the soft grass, the damp blades soothing to the soles of her sore feet, and came up to the next tiki. Another note.

No moon in the sky

ever lent such a glow

some flame deep within

made them shine

those eyes are the eyes

of a woman in love

and may they gaze

evermore into mine.

Jennie made a small squeaking sound. It was the song from her favorite scene in Guys and Dolls, when Sky Masterson and Sarah Brown finally got together.

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