Temptation..and a hotdog stand? (SMUT)

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This one is extra long because I've been away for a while. Life stuck one foot up my ass and it got stuck there for a while /hj

TW: orgasm denial, edging, Heavy drinking from Mumbo ヾ(•ω•')o

I know many others don't celebrate Christmas so this chapter is not about that, but to those who do, Merry Christmas! To those of us who don't, season's greetings and happy Hanukkah!

Grian's POV

Knocking on the bathroom door, I patiently waited for Mumbo to finish up. When he finally opened the door, my eyes immediately shifted to admire him, his suit tracing his frame perfectly for the season. I smiled at him, tossing him the car keys as we locked up the house and drove over to Scar's.

Pulling up in the driveway, Mumbo parked the car and we both walked up to Scar's porch. "You ready?" he asked, wincing at the already way too loud Mariah Carey music blasting from speakers inside the house.

I nodded my head, laughing at his reaction and knocking on the door. Scar opened it a moment later, already very drunk. "Heyy, guuys!" he sputtered, waving us inside. The scent of caramel apples drifted around the room, covering up the smell of Eggnog and Grey Goose.

"Scar, the party just started and you're already drunk?!" I questioned him in disbelief.

He shrugged, "If youu were banned fromm Canada, yyou'd be drinkkking too!" Mumbo laughed behind me as I watched Scar roll off to talk to Cleo. Finding my way to the drinks and leaving Mumbo behind, I grabbed a glass of Eggnog, taking a big sip and choking as soon as the bitter taste of alcohol hit my taste buds. Someone probably spiked it. I sat down on one of the couches, watching the fire crackle in the fireplace as I mingled with the other hermits.

About an hour later, I found a very intoxicated Mumbo who was struggling to stay upright as he stood up to get another round of drinks. "Yeah, I think you've had enough..." I muttered, walking over to him. Approaching the living room was a drunken Scar trash singing along to yet another Mariah Carey song.

Scar moved to look at us as we approached, stopping singing as I talked. "I'm gonna take Mumbo home," I pointed at him, still chugging to finish his bottle of Grey Goose. Scar chuckled and nodded as I thanked him for inviting us. "Any time you want him to crash on a couch other than yours, I'm your man!" he offered. I laughed, thanking him again and dragging Mumbo out the door, who was still complaining.

I had only had a couple light drinks myself, so I was still okay to drive. Putting the car in gear, I drove back to our house.

Opening the car door for Mumbo who couldn't do it himself, I unlocked our front door and watched as he stumbled inside, flopping over on the couch. "You should get some rest hon," I told him as he waved me over. Dragging me down on top of him, he pulled me close to his chest, to which I reluctantly hugged him back and kissed his forehead.

"I know...can I cuddle?" he asked, trying to lift my shirt up. Noticing his weakness, I pushed him back gently and took his hand.

"You're drunk, Mumbo."

He tried to pull my top up again, whining when I wouldn't let him get very far. "Please!" he begged, to which I responded curtly.

"That's not cuddling, Mumbo!"

"Whoo says??" he grumbled, now his hands up to my neck. Unable to resist, I kissed him softly, complaining about how much his breath stunk of alcohol.

As we kissed, he started moving his hands around my backside, as he attempted to unbuckle my jeans, I pushed him away.

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