Chapter 8: Veldora Is Gone

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Heyo, at 65k words on Vivian.

Chapter has a long William scene.

Word count is like 2500+

Anyway, please join my discord if you wanna talk about this or make suggestions:


Charlie's pov:

I sat quietly while trying to lace the beads onto the strings I'd been given. I was making a bracelet, and I quickly started heating the beads by shaking them really fast to get them to melt together. 'That should work..' 

The beads melted together quickly enough as they heated up, and soon the bracelet was complete. Two halves which clipped together. 

I envisioned the barrier I'd used for Emy, and tried to put that into the bracelet, it surprisingly wasn't that difficult. Giver did its job perfectly, I guessed. 

I was able to watch as a tiny bit of my soul flowed into the bracelet, and crystalized into it. Then I clipped it onto my wrist, and it worked. Putting a barrier around me the moment the two halves were clipped together. 

"Charlie, that is creepy. Didn't you say that really bright stuff is soul stuff? You are.. taking a piece of your soul and putting it in a bracelet." Sammy shivered as she watched me.

The sun hadn't risen yet, so we were outside. I was practicing with the Giver skill so I'd be able to make a permanent solution for Emy's barrier. I decided I'd give the extra soul energy I'd gotten from that Soul Corridor thing back, by using it to help her. 

This bracelet is the final result of all that. Luckily I'd been able to pull back in the soul energy from my previous attempts.

Sammy had only seen this last one, and that was probably for the best. 

I unclipped the bracelet and set it in my cloak's pocket. 'We should get things ready to go read at the school. Your siblings are coming too, right?' I sent her a thought. I'd been getting better at making my thoughts more private. 

"Yes, we're all going. I can handle getting things ready, don't worry about it. You've been carrying everything, and I don't think that is fair." She stood up, and got ready to walk back to the house. 

'I have a question first, does Jane still have a cough?' I tilted my head, though I'd genuinely been worried. The girl was coughing even during dinners, and lunches. She'd cough the most when she got home from the textile shop. 

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Still persistent, I'm sure she'll wake up wheezing. You worried about that too? You can let my Mom deal with it ya know, don't gotta try to be all adult all the time." She huffed. "You're not just a scary monster." 

I rolled my eyes a bit. 'That would still make me a scary monster.'

Sammy raised an eyebrow back. "You can throw an arrow through a tree with your mind."

'Every young woman can do that!' I wanted to try to make a joke, but I may not be so good at those. 

"Uh-huh." She narrowed her eyes, but then burst out laughing. "Yea, better luck next time." 

'Just go get your siblings!' I covered my face, or well. My mask. 

I closed off Thought Communication as well. 'Should I ask about checking up on the inside of Jane's lungs with Magic Sense? I should, but it might be invasive to do it without asking..' I spent a few moment to think about it.


All four of them marched out in a surprisingly orderly line, holding baskets. Jane and Tommy seemed especially excited, but I couldn't really say that was a bad thing. 

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