Chapter 9: Slime Introduction

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Heyo, Vivian Prologue has been renamed just Vivian, and it is currently at 70k words. 

Word count like 2400

Anyway, please join my discord if you wanna talk about this or make suggestions:


Rimuru's pov:

I'm pretty sure a long time has passed since I died, but I didn't really seem to be able to do anything. 

It was as if I wasn't human anymore, honestly. Which was really creepy. I couldn't move my arms, or open my eyes. I didn't even think I had them. 

Though, eventually I was able to get some feeling after being so alone with my thoughts for so long. The feeling I got was defined in one word, rock. 

Truly the most based substance. 

Based in sediment, and mineral. Rock. 


Moving on from my freak out at finally being able to feel something, it took me some time to figure out how to move too. I didn't really seem to have limbs anymore. I was like, a jelly or something. I could move any point in my body independently of the rest, like, each cell I mean. I could even count them. 

No, I didn't spend a week doing that, do you think I am a fool or something? 

Moving on again, once I got the hang of moving and figured out what I was, the answer was a slime. The weakest of fantasy monsters, just my luck. 

I managed to get my slimy body on top of something, it felt like a plant of some kind. Maybe a flower, and as my body melted around it, giving me a better view of it, I accidentally absorbed the thing. I felt the entire flower disappear into my cells. 

'Damnit! I can't have any nice things.. What even was that?' 

[Notice: Analysis complete, plant is known as hipokute herb. It is known for its medicinal properties, and may be synthesized into medical potions. It most commonly appears in magicule rich areas.]

'Hey hey! That is cool! Can we do that right now? Potions sound really useful.' Even if I was a slime, I thought I might be able to heal myself with these potions anyway. 

[Notice: Affirmative.] 

'Thanks!.. Uh, who are you, by the way?' 

[Notice: This is your Unique Skill, Great Sage. It has gained the ability to speak with you through use of the speech system of the voice of the world.] 

'Oh? I guess that ain't too normal then.' I started trying to roll about a bit while asking the sage about these skills, apparently I had quite a few. That didn't really seem right for such a weak monster, but what did I know? This wasn't my world after all.

Soon enough I had figured out how to move around, and I was getting pretty fast at it too. I absorbed way more of those herbs, and also a new thing. Apparently it is called Magic Ore or something, apparently it could be worth a lot so I started collecting it too. 

Never can be too wasteful or pass up a perfect opportunity after all. 

After doing that for who knows how long, I came to a ledge.. I didn't know that though. So I fell right off into the water below, and sunk right to the bottom of a lake in the cave. 

I just sat there at the bottom for a long time, before coming up with a quick strategy of sucking water into my body and then pushing it back out to propel myself. 

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