Chapter 12: Financing

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Heyo, Vivian at 85k words, and further, just been not too focused on writing this

Word count like 4k


Charlie focused chapter to lead up to future events more cleanly

Anyway, please join my discord if you wanna talk about this or make suggestions:


Charlie's POV:

I sit up from where I am resting on the bench in the main room of Sarah's house. I glanced down to stare at Emy for a few moments. She seemed to be doing better without the train of the city's barrier trying to sap magicules from her.

It had been two weeks since I had resurrected her pet butterfly, Vee. In that time I'd discovered that taking the little one into the city would be fatal, and as a result her pet must stay with me.

In response to that, Emy had decided to visit and stay the night as often as she could manage. It had done her health well, even if her condition was still getting worse.

I'd begun doing my best to start work on my new home here, a small cabin for me and Emy.

The hard part was getting a deed, but for my help on reconnaissance with the storm dragon, the Baron was willing to help me with that much.

I only had to spend a few gold coins on the plot right next to Sarah's farm. I'd use Henry's plow to flatten the area, guiding it with my magic. After that I'd laid foundation stone.

In the last few days I'd actually started trying to cut the wood to shape and set it up, but I'd found it to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be.

Even after looking at examples from both around town and Sarah's house itself, I still couldn't really understand why things were that way. So anything I made was still crude and unsteady. Instead what I needed was a manuscript on how to actually build a house for myself.

I may also ask for a carpenter to help me with the design. Wisened One made me really good at visualizing things in my head though, so that wasn't as much of a concern as I first thought.

I looked out the windows for the time being though, and waited patiently for the sun to rise properly before I woke Emy up. It was strange to sleep the way I had been the last few days, as it was like real human sleep again.

Not something I was used to after so long.

I shook Emy softly a little while after the sun finally did rise, and carefully lifted Vee off her chest to make sure she didn't hurt the little doll-monster.

She began to sputter, and then after that her eyes opened and widened. She started wheezing and tears well up in her eyes.

I pat her head soothingly while waiting for her to properly come back to herself.

After a minute or so of soft sobbing, she actually spoke. "C-Charlie?"

'Good morning, Emy.' I spoke inside her mind with Thought Communication.

She breathed in sharply and tried to wipe her tears out of her fur, the sensation clearly annoyed her quite a lot. "I-m.. sorry. I was having a nightmare." That much I could tell without her saying a word.

I nodded and lifted her into my lap, while sitting up. 'Be quiet for now, I will hold you. No one else is awake yet.'

She nodded softly and sat up to hold me tightly.

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