Chapter 10: Give Life

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Heyo, Vivian at 75k words

Word count like 2100

Anyway, please join my discord if you wanna talk about this or make suggestions:


Charlie's pov: 

I was sitting in fuse's office again, but at least I'd been able to give Emy the bracelet she needed from me. As for why I was sitting in Fuze's office. Veldora had disappeared just the day before, and he wanted to ask me about it. With me having claimed to be formed of his aura, I was a prime suspect immediately. 

I had nothing to do with it though, I suspected I could find who did make Veldora disappear considering there was a smaller presence in his place, but that still isn't me. 

"We cannot sense him any long with any magical detection devices, and you claim your skill cannot either?" Fuze was in a bit of a sorry state, looking like if he could get it, he'd be on his fiftieth cup of coffee. 

'Well, no. I can't. I can sense something else, but that ain't Veldora, whatever it is.. So you could send someone after him, to check on that thing.' I was looking down, it had been a bit depressing knowing Veldora wasn't around. I know he can't actually escape, but it still felt like a protective force over everyone around the Jura forest, and that is a pretty big place. 

"I'll call in the Baron. I'll get a group of adventurers here as quickly as I can, stay here. I'll be back." Fuze stood up to leave the room frantically. 

I sighed, and glanced over to Sarah, it was just me and her today. She'd noticed I was down, even if the kids didn't. I guess my mask hid it, but it must've been unmistakable to her. 

She set her hand on my shoulder. "It'll be alright. Even if he did die, this is a True Dragon. These beings simply come back, they are a feature of the world itself." She rubbed my shoulder softly, and gave a specific explanation to help. 

I nodded a bit, I knew that much at least. Veldora was literally too strong to die permanently. It was kinda like a glitch in an arcade game or something. 'I guess that's true. Still annoying though.'

"Just let it be for now. You have to help Emy, and that is more important for the time being. She is in far more danger." Sarah was right, I guess she knew me fairly well. 

'Yeah.. She is still getting worse, it isn't as fast with the barrier. She's still worse than before though, she can just go outside now.' Thinking back to Emy for a moment was also annoying for a different reason. I could still see more particles breaking off of her, slowly. The barrier wasn't perfect. 

"You said before her soul was in metal, so it may just be the body she is in now doesn't fit her." That isn't what I wanted to here though. As for me, it implied something I didn't want to even consider. 

'I.. Will just ignore that.' I set my eyes forward, and was interrupted by a knock at the door. 

After a few moments, there was a clatter outside, and Fuze frantically opened the door and help it open for the blonde old many, with a fancy suit. He looked a lot fancier than some of the traders outside. 

The features of his face slowly clicked inside my head, it just took a few moments. 

This was the Baron, Velyard. "The reports have been most worrying, for the storm dragon to disappear, it could mean he will reincarnate at any moment. It could be a catastrophe, regardless of where it happens." The Baron was quick to find a seat. He had a deep frown and a worried glint in his eyes. 

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