Train disaster part 3

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Hey guys Violet and Leyna here hope you enjoy part 3.

Varian POV:

I set the stick of dynamite in place and ran along with Eugene and Adria behind a crate I said "Go go go what do they teach you." Then it blew up and disconnected the cars Eugene said "The brakes are out." As I was looking for something to help us stop I said "Turned harder." Eugene tried and I said "Don't worry we go plenty of track will just close to a stop we all said Woah as the car speed up. We look at saw the bridge tracks were broken Adrianna said "You were saying." I said "I got an idea Eugene give me a hand with this." I grab something as Eugene fell I said "Hand me the chains." Adria gave me the chains and I did what I planned to do I said "Not you." Adrianna said "Eugene busy at the moment." I did what I did and hoping it would work I said "No no." I was about to fall but Adria grab my hand and pulled me back up and she said "And to think that could of been you." I said "We live thought this remind me to thank you here's go nothing brace yourself." I threw the chains it caught on the tracks but it didn't work Adrianna said "Jump." We jump and landed on the snow while Ruby and Ruddiger were sniffing for us. As the train car fell off the bridge.

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