Let my new life begin again

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Chapter 2:

After giving in to panic for a few moments, Tanya heaved a long sigh to regain her composure and take stock of her situation.

She was in an entirely black space, so black that light could not hope to shine through it. In the absence of light that could have allowed her to find her bearings and orient herself, Tanya had to focus only on these other senses.

However, not a single foreign noise reached her ears, only the sound of her breathing becoming gasping and the beating of her heart.

She felt like she was completely empty. As if her body had been launched into space.

After a few moments, Tanya proceeded to inspect her body.

The explosion caused by this fanatic of Mary Sue must have left after-effects on her own body given the intensity of the latter.

After a quick check, nothing seemed to be missing, she was able to feel these two legs as well as these two arms. No wounds seemed to be observable, but no way to be sure without light to be sure.

"Am I dead?" Tanya wondered, continuing her check-up. This new being, whom Tanya had also renamed "Being Y" in order to avoid using the very pompous name of "Supreme Goddess", had however made her understand that she was not done with her.

Decidedly, a nice bunch of liars and sore losers thought Tanya had just finished her full exam. Nothing was missing. Which was good news, but given the current state of things it was still quite minimal.

"Hey oh !" Tanya shouted, "Being Y can you hear me? Didn't you say you wanted a second round? Where then you finally recognize the fact that I was right all along."

Only silence answered her.

"You are a bunch of crooks, all of you!!" Tanya shouted, giving free rein to her anger. Throwing those fists all over the place while desperately trying to punch something to get her anger out on...

That's when she felt, on her right hand, a sensation... A little tickling, very light, but not unpleasant. Regaining her composure, Tanya tried to identify the material she was touching.

It was quite familiar but impossible to put a word on this strange material. After a moment of reflection and having immersed herself in these memories Tanya was finally able to identify this curious material.

"Grass?" Tanya wondered, reminding him of her days spent under the tree at the military college reading the historical books of the previous world on the days off of her second life

After a short time enjoying this "new" experience, Tanya felt a slight draft on her face bringing familiar but also unfamiliar scents to her nostrils.

"I'm slowly regaining my senses," Tanya thought to herself, I might have to get it all back in a while. In the meantime, I should focus on calculating my spells to make sure they still work, just in case...

Something easier said than done because it was much more complicated to activate her spells. Activating her mage blade required a significant effort of concentration, whereas usually, she was able to produce these blades as easily as breathing and with surgical precision.

Seeking the origin of these disturbances, Tanya tapped with her left hand where her Elenium 95 Computing Jewel had originally been... Nothing! noted Tanya, her second jewel had also disappeared.

A vein began to appear on her forehead.

"I understand why it's a lot harder to cast spells..." Tanya thought to herself. "She took everything from me...Damn imposters!! I deeply hate you and all Beings from A to Z!" Tanya shouted.

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