The demon

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POV : Visha?

Location: Saboardy Archipelago Auction House.

Dazed, the young girl watched the spectacle unfolding before her eyes. In front of her was a huge semicircle in which several people stood, all of them looking at her with an unsettling gaze, similar to that of a large carnivore eyeing a bleeding piece of meat.

Some time before, a strange man in pink shirt had forcibly taken her out of the darkroom where the girl had regained consciousness. Without saying a word, one of the men grabbed the chain around her neck and led her through a maze of dark corridors and hallways.

Only after several minutes of forced walking did light appear before her eyes. The screams she had heard from her cell became louder and clearer.

Feeling stressed, the young girl couldn't help but clutch the locket she had been wearing around her neck since she woke up. Though she knew it wasn't essential, but, she found its presence comforting.

She still didn't understand what was going on or where she even was, but one thing was certain: staying here meant danger. The more she resisted, the more the jailer pulled on the chain with all his might until he brought her to the center of the stage.

The person with the strange sunglasses, standing to her right, took the floor. "As for this one," he said, "she's a foreign beauty in her twenties." He took a deep breath before continuing, "We don't know anything about her—where she's from, or even her name—but I'm sure you know what to do with her..."

This man with the strange sunglasses, standing to her right, made the young girl shudder with his explanations, and a strong urge to vomit spread through her guts. "How can these people just objectify me?"

As if in answer to her question, an alarm sounded throughout the room. Instantly, dozens of voices rose in front of her, but she couldn't clearly distinguish the faces of the people before her. They all offered bids that seemed to waver as they raised small signs.

"I have to get out of here," the young girl thought, trying to get up and run away. But to no avail. The hand of a huge man had a firm grip on her left shoulder, forcing her to kneel on the stage floor.

Several proposals flew back and forth, mainly from old men with lustful eyes, devouring the young woman with their gazes.

Deep inside, the young girl knew that if any of these men bought her, she'd end up as a sex slave. This simple assumption caused her so much heartache that she began to vomit what little food her stomach contained onto the floor and near the presenter's shoes.

"May I know what you're up to, you piece of filth?" The presenter hurled it in her direction and hit her brutally on the liver. He was careful not to damage her face, lest she lose value.

The reaction of the audience was totally unexpected. Seeing the young girl vomit next to the master of ceremonies had visibly amused the audience, so much so that the proposals increased even more, reaching astronomical sums: one hundred million berries, one hundred and twenty million...

Some guests even began to insult each other, accusing the other of doing everything to prevent them from acquiring such a rare piece. Seeing the master of ceremonies not reacting but drawing a wide smile, she understood that he was satisfied with what was happening in front of his eyes. "If he sees people fighting over me, he'll make a fortune," the brown-haired girl understood desperately."

The proposals continued to rain down until a small childish voice rose above the commotion. "I offer three hundred million berries."

The crowd turned to the originator of the offer, a small girl who appeared to be quite young. From her position, one could see her gorgeous blonde hair tied into a ponytail, with a small strand hanging over her head. Her piercing blue eyes of infinite coldness stared at the young girl without looking away for even a moment.

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