An old acquaintance

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N/A : Hi, I hope you like the story so far. Please know that I am very far from finished :).

However, I bring bad news for some. I am now up to date on Wattpad regarding this fanfiction. From now on, you will have to wait longer before the chapters can be released. 

Sorry guys :)

For those who are interested, I have a discord on which I regularly give news, we discuss fanfiction, I publish drafts...Do not hesitate to join us ;)

POV: Tanya Von Degurechaff

Location: Sabaody Archipelago

The debriefing of the accident had lasted only a few minutes, Admiral Kizaru was not a very contentious man, and this fact had been confirmed during their meeting. Tanya had been surprised to find that her superior did not write any formal reports. He had scribbled unrelated keywords on a blank page.

"He may be an excellent officer in the field" Tanya, thought as she headed towards her room. "However, I don't think he became an admiral because of his administrative skills".

When she arrived in her room, she took care to locked the door to her room to avoid being disturbed. She put down the small chest that she had been carrying with her since her return from the auction, taking care not to shake it further.

Having lost the key to the padlock on the chest, Tanya concentrated a small amount of magic on her right index finger and with a clean and precise, cut the padlock holding the chest closed. Delicately and without the slightest sudden movement, she carefully placed the devil fruit on the desk. Its shape and atypical orange color made the fruit fascinating to observe. A sort of demonic aura seemed to emanate from it.

"If I believe Disco, if a person were to eat a piece of this fruit, they would be granted the ability to modify as they wish the shape of the objects they touch..." While remembering the information from the master of ceremonies, Tanya took the opportunity to take out her small notebook from her pocket to write down the new information. The notebook was in a pitiful state but nevertheless remained a real gold mine for Tanya. Even if she sometimes regretted not having access to a cell phone or tablet.

"Such power would be a significant asset," Tanya admitted, closing her eyes as if she were about to debate with herself. "However, the cost of the trade-off is too great for my liking. No longer being able to swim in a world made up of 80% would be a huge disadvantage."

Tanya let out a long sigh before grabbing the fruit while rotating it to observe it closely. "With what just happened with Visha, giving this fruit to a subordinate would not be wise. There is no guarantee that it will follow me indefinitely. Perhaps I should consume it myself, that way, its power cannot escape me..."

After observing the fruit for a few moments, Tanya brought it to her mouth and mentally prepared herself to eat it reluctantly. After hesitating for a few moments, the young girl opened her mouth wide and remained in that position.

"We're turning off the lights. Training tomorrow will be more intense than usual, so get ready, you guys!"

A deep voice from the hallway began echoing throughout the floor, startling the young girl. She reconsidered what she was about to do, she placed the fruit next to the small chest and then climbed into bed.

"Before doing anything, I should first confirm that this fruit matches what I purchased. If there's one thing I've learned over the last few years, it's to be cautious about any information I might receive. I think a quick trip to this base's library is in order, they must certainly have a copy of the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia that I was able to read at HQ..."

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