Chapter 21 : Familiar power

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N/A : Happy New Year guys, lots of good things for you and your loved ones ! I don't even apologize for the delay anymore, I think you're used to it by now. Unfortunately, for the moment, I have to maintain a rhythm of one chapter per month because of my work, but I promise, I will return to the publication rhythm that I had at the beginning.

POV: Visha

Location: An island near Amazon Lily

The sun was beginning its rise in the sky when the young girl opened her eyes to a rather mysterious island. Dawn was breaking with an array of bright colors, caressing the waves that gently crashed on the shore. Her hair, usually straightened and well-combed, was disheveled from the restless night she had just spent in the little boat. During her sleep, many images had passed through her mind without her being able to remember their origin. The young girl heaved a deep sigh; the fatigue was so heavy that she forced herself to get up.

After a quick wash at the back of the rowboat, Visha joined Rayleigh on the beach. The wise man with graying hair had lit a fire during the night, probably to warm himself and ward off the wild beast that must be lurking in the area, and sat on an old wooden box.

Without saying a word, the young brunette sat opposite the old man, shivering and struggling to stay awake.

"Did you sleep poorly ?" asked the old man, contemplating the young girl with amused eyes at the internal battle she was waging not to fall asleep.

"I had horrible nightmares," she finally said after a long sigh while staring at the flames with a blank stare. "It's always the same images that repeat themselves tirelessly as soon as I close my eyes."

"And what exactly do you see?" While waiting for his response, she had a slight start as she thought back to her dreams. "I don't really know..." the young girl began. "I always find myself in huge dark spaces full of smoke, so that no ray of sunlight can reach me."

The man stared directly into her eyes and listened to her words with particular attention. "I don't see why my nightmares interest him so much" Visha wondered before continuing her story. "A nauseating smell emanates from this place, and when I try to move away from it, the same landscape takes shape endlessly, with hundreds, even thousands, of craters appearing as I walk, so much so that I always end up falling into one of them without the possibility of getting back up no matter how many attempts"

"And what happens next? Does your dream end like this?" Rayleigh asked in an almost fatherly tone, as a father trying to comfort his daughter and encourage her to continue.

"Then, pieces of human body and an immense quantity of blood begin to fall from the sky and fill the crater in which I find myself... No matter how hard I try to escape, it remains impossible to escape from this death trap where I always end up drowning without being able to do anything".

Thinking about the feeling of blood entering her mouth, she couldn't help but retch; the metallic taste of blood repelled her to the point. Oddly enough, it was still very familiar. "I wish I could have a peaceful night without seeing his images and sensations again during my sleep" Visha sighed inwardly.

"Anyway, we should go," the old man said as he covered the campfire with sand and headed toward the center of the island. "There is one person here that I really care about, to introduce you."

Her curiosity piqued, Visha regained her usual energy and followed the gray-haired man through the forest, which became more and more dense as he progressed. Instinctively, she couldn't help but scan her surroundings for a potential enemy hiding in the vegetation.

The Marine Demon's War DiaryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora