A new start

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A few days had passed since the great war that had taken place in Marineford. Newspapers around the world had been covering the event for days. Several theories were advanced, based on various shadows of the conflict. The silence of the Navy and the World Government did nothing to improve the situation.

A huge reconstruction site had been established at Marineford to repair the damage of the war. Most of the wounded had already been treated, with only the seriously wounded still being treated by the best doctors available.

POV Tanya Von Degurechaff

Snuggled against her bed, Tanya buried her head in her pillow to hide her tired face from the sun's rays that blinded her and prevented her from continuing her restful sleep.

After a yawn to disengage her jaw, Tanya stretched in her bed, making each of her joints crack, and stood up with a heavy thump. Staying in bed would only make things more difficult. Especially since the day would be busy, as since her recovery, the girl also had to participate in the repairs. Although her injuries did not allow her to return to duty, she accompanied her colleagues as much as possible and helped them as much as she could.

In addition, Tanya was summoned to his office by Admiral Sengoku without knowing the reasons. She had had no contact with the high hierarchy since the end of the war. The day before, a soldier had been waiting for her at the door of her room, holding a letter with her summons. Without giving her any further details, the soldier had said goodbye and left the letter with Tanya.

After putting on her uniform, Tanya left her room without turning around again and walked through the long maze of corridors to the dining hall to have breakfast. She didn't encounter a single soldier on the way there, not even when she arrived at the cafeteria. The latter had been deserted by the staff since a mysterious pirate gunshot had caused enormous damage to the wall, causing the sea breeze to rush intermittently through the large room. "Damn pirate, you almost tore my favorite place to pieces"... Thought Tanya as she pulled the chair towards her to enjoy her breakfast.

On the menu was the same as the previous days, a hot chocolate accompanied by a small bowl of rice and some toast with jam. It would be counterproductive to change his habits because he knew that this meal served to provide all the necessary nutrients to his body, which desperately needed them.

Tanya felt the wind rustling through her hair and turned her gaze to the gaping hole in the wall to look outside. The sun was still quite low in the sky, and if she woke up at dawn, she could enjoy a quiet breakfast without people. Her attention was quickly drawn to the numerous ships that were constantly going back and forth with various building materials. Transportation was still complicated, the huge wall that had been erected during the battle had still not been lowered, and the massive body of the creature that had interrupted the battle was still lying on the wall, and from what she had heard, the blood that had flowed profusely from its wounds had flowed into the mechanism and prevented it from lowering.

As she finished her meal, Tanya recalled the contents of the letter that had been entrusted to her. She had to go to the admiral's office before the end of the first break of the morning. She gulped down her last piece of toast and hurried to her superior's office. When she arrived at the large wooden door, she noticed that a soldier was posted at the entrance, serving as a guard.

"Halt!" the soldier ordered as the girl stared up and down. Only when she recognized the rank of colonel did Tanya stand at attention to salute her superior and put her right hand in her black pants pocket.

"Admiral Sengoku asked me to his office before the end of the first-morning break," Tanya began as she held out her letter to the colonel. "May I come in?". Before he could reply anything, a loud bang sounded from inside the office, which occasionally emitted a few screams.

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