Undercover [REMAKE]

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You sit yourself on the only seat in this empty, blank void, already knowing what awaits you-- in less time than you'd expected, the author appears in front with his own seat, looking both giddy and apologetic.

"Been a while, how are you?" this question is force of habit, you know that, but you don't mind giving an answer. He nods, wringing his hands and clenching them. A stim, you assumed. "Well, I won't keep you too long, promise! Just a few things, but um." he cuts off, watching you. His voice, now you thought of it, sounded like it was fighting through static, far off and so close all at once.

Your leg twitches, and you acknowledge you can leave right now, and go on ahead to whatever rushed adventure you were about to have.

You choose to stay, and hear them out; the author perks up with joy, and rushes on so as not to bore you. "I was going through some old files, and there was this idea somebody wrote, I think the user was um-- oh, I'll get it in a minute!" he waved his hand at nothing in particular, as if trying to ward off the thought.

You regard him with a raised eyebrow thinking, can they hurry this up?. As if hearing it, the author winces, but doesn't waste any more time. "Anyway, the title tells you most of the infor-- that was their name!" they flashed a quick sorry glance your way as your frown deepened.

"Right, sorry, this idea was given to me by Masked__Messenger, ages and ages back! I'll mix in leatherslashJ's idea for a superpower! I really think I missed an opportunity way back for that..." he continues muttering to himself, no doubt me tally running over comments and such.

You coughed, and he stopped cracking a sorry smile. His teeth were, for lack of a better word, fangs. Watching your gaze, his smile dropped and he shifted awkwardly as he went on. "Just go right on through that door and you'll be on your way, um-- enjoy?" he didn't look at you, shrugging. You sensed the desperate need for this conversation to be over the author gave off, taking that as you sign to leave.

Without looking back, you pushed open a dark oak door, odd against the blinding white, falling through dimensions and into your temporary body.

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The night air nipped painfully, pricking your skin. Your body heat was depleting, and your fingers red and splotchy. As you pulled the mask obscuring your face a little closer, you willed your stiff and aching legs to move, soon running and sprinting off of roofs and onto others.

December was freezing, horribly so, and running with basically no layers on was not enjoyable. Not to mention, you'd almost slipped on ice three times in the past week, and did once. The sound of feet hitting the sidewalk below a building you'd just crossed to is a slap in the face to get out of the clouds and down to earth-- there was a criminal to catch, for hell's sake!

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