For Real This Time

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Sunday had rolled around, and Carly started getting a familiar strange feeling in her gut. After her lesson with Sam, Carly and CJ agreed that Sunday's will once again be her regular punishment nights.

The two of them had just finished dinner and Carly offered to wash the dishes after. She stood at the sink wearing a tight pair of jeans and a black tshirt. She was feeling anxious, anticipating the spanking she was about to receive. After Sam and CJ tag teamed her, her mannerisms had changed significantly, but she still felt like she needed a regular punishment to keep things that way.

Unknown to Carly, a peek of black fabric was exposed over her jeans waistband. CJ however noticed immediately when he came to check on her in the kitchen. He probably knew Carly was feeling anxious about the spanking and decided to lighten the mood. He wakes up behind her and grabs the black waistband and yanks her panties hard, exposing the black material with small pink polka dots.

"Owww! Hey!" Carly yells out, turning to see CJ giving her a wedgie. "That's not fair! I have wet hands asshole!"

CJ laughs and gives another tug before he lets go, leaving her panties bunched over her jeans. "You looked sad so I wanted to lighten your mood!" He wraps his arms around her waist as she keeps doing the dishes. "Are you feeling nervous?"

Carly smiles at the hug, trying to ignore the discomfort of her panties digging up her ass. "I'm a little nervous. But this isn't my first time around the block you know?"

CJ chuckles and let's her go. Leaning back on the counter to let her finish her dishes. Carly washes the last bowl and dries her hands, then shoves her hands down her pants to pick her wedgie out. CJ chuckles. "Alright wedgie girl, you ready to head to the room?"

She groans slightly at the dumb nickname. "Hmm, yes sir."

CJ takes her hand and leads her too the room. Her nerves are slightly calmed by the gentle touch of his hands. She's thrown off though when CJ walks her to the corner of the room and puts her hands on top of her head.

"I want you to stand here and think about what you've done this week, and whether or not you feel guilty about any of your actions. Understood?"

"Yes sir" she replies.

She's left there for a few moments before CJ sits on the bed, ordering her to come to him. Carly walks over and stands in front of CJ. "So have you had enough time to think?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you feel bad about yourself for anything?"

She groans. "I haven't really been going to bed on time like I should.....and I might spend too much money at Dunkin."

"Dunkin? Don't you have a box of Kcups in my kitchen that I bought for you?"

Her head drops, not able to respond with anything but a head nod.

"Hmm okay. Well how about when you called me an asshole 10 minutes ago?"

Her head shot up. "But you gave me a wedgie! I call you an asshole all the time!"

"It's still not nice to say. Especially when you know you're about to get punished. You'd be hurt if I called you a bitch wouldn't you?"

He was right. CJ had never called Carly a bitch before. "Yes sir..." she bashfully agrees.

"So tonight, you're being punished for being rude to me, not going to bed on time, and for overspending on coffee. Understood?"

She nods her head again. "Yes sir."

CJ takes her over his knee, jeans still on with a bit of her panties still peeking over her waistband from her attempt at fixing her wedgie. He rubs his hand up and down her bottom a few times before he begins laying down hard smacks.

Carly winced as the spanking began. While CJ wasn't entirely muscular, he still had a strong arm and was spanking harder than he had before. The sharp pain from the spankings, even over her jeans, caused her eyes to water up. Whining and groaning escaped from her mouth as well.

CJ continues the spanking for a few moments before instructing her to pull her jeans down. She stands up undoing her jeans and yanks them down. "Actually, take them all the way off. Your shirt too."

She blushed at the demand. "Yes sir." She pulled the jeans off of her legs, folding them and setting them on the bed before slipping off her top, leaving her in her polka dot panties and red bra.

She's pulled back over his lap and the spanking resumes. The hard swats sting over her panties still and her crying becomes more audible. She gets the therapeutic feeling from crying, as if she's releasing pent up guilt.

CJ doesn't really talk while he spanks her besides telling her to "stay still" or "move your hand away." He whoops her butt nice and red before standing her up again. "Alright, bra and panties off."

Carly puts her arms over her chest. "What?! Come on baby please! Why does my bra need to come off for a spanking?!"

"Do not argue with me. Unless you want a longer punishment."

She sighs and unclips her bra. Being naked in front of CJ in this context feels much different than any other time. She takes her bra off letting her breast fall, then slides down her panties leaving her fully exposed.

She lays back down over CJs lap and feels him rubbing his hand up and down her bottom and thighs. She enjoys the soft and soothing rubs, relaxing over his lap a little. The relaxing doesn't last long as hellfire rained down on her red butt again. She begins to sob at the bare bottomed spanking CJ began to deliver.

The hand spanking only lasted a couple minutes before CJ stopped again, rubbing her bottom for a moment. "Okay, we're almost done baby. I want you to bring me your brush."

She nods and stands up sniffing and crying. She shuffles over to her overnight bag, grabbing her hairbrush and handing it to him. CJ pats his lap and she bends back over. He throws his leg over her legs to restrain her. A smart move.

"You ready baby?"

"Yes sir." She coughs out between cries. CJ wraps his arm around her waist and starts hammering down slow hard smacks. The stinging feeling makes Carly cry harder, feeling the welts start to build on her butt. She had always hated the brush, and now is no different.

The swats begin to come down faster. Carly starts to try to kick her legs but CJs leg restraining her prevents that. He spanks for another couple moments before delivering the last hard 10 smacks, setting the brush down.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm soo sorry. I'm so sorry baby I'm sorry" Apologies flood out of Carly's mouth as CJ soothes her bottom with rubs. After a moment he singles her to stand up. He stands with her and gives her a tight hug.

"I hope you learned your lesson baby. And that I didn't go too hard on you."

She sniffles. "I did. I did learn my lesson. And it's not the worst spanking I've received." She immediately regret the words that just escaped her mouth.

"Oh? So you want more?" He teases her.

"No no!" She pleads hugging her tighter.

CJ laughs. He slides his hand down her back and rubs her warm bottom. They stand rocking back and store while Carly's crying and breathing calms.

Carly pulls away slightly from the hug and starts playing her with fingers on his chest. "You know" sniffle "I still have time before my bedtime."

CJ looks at his bedside clock. "Oh I guess you do."

Carly gives him a shy smile. "Well, I guess since we still have some time, I could give you a thank you gift for giving me a punishment."

CJ smiles back. "Oh? A gift huh?"

Carly chuckles and leans in to kiss him. CJ lays back on the bed, pulling Carly on top of him.

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