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Carly is in the bathroom doing her makeup, wearing a green dress. CJ comes into the room knocking on the door frame.

"Babe? You almost ready? We gotta go."

"I'm just doing my make up and gotta do my hair. I'm almost ready." She replies.

"Carly, I told you we had to leave at 1 and it's already past 1. Why are you taking so long to get ready?"

"Well I told you I just gotta finish my hair and make up. Calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down. I don't know why you're taking so damn long to get ready when I told you ahead of time when we needed to leave!"

"Well I'm sorry but I gotta look nice! Can you get off my back?"

CJ huffs. "Carly, you sat on your ass on your phone all morning when you should have been getting ready! You could've done your make up and thrown on your dress and we'd be gone by now!"

"I just wanted to watch some tiktoks and relax this morning!" She argues back. "Can you stop distracting me so I can finish getting ready?"

CJ snaps his fingers. "Get over here. Now!"

Carly sighs and leaves the mirror standing in front of CJ with an attitude. "What?"

"I need you to drop your attitude. You're getting lippy with me before I gave you plenty of time and an expectation of when I wanted to leave. It's your own fault."

"I don't have an attitude! It's just lunch with your parents! I'm sure they'll be fine if we're a little late." She starts to walk away.

CJ grabs her wrist and pulls her out of the bathroom. "Well now we're really going to be late." He drags her towards the bedroom.

"Hey! What are you doing!?"

CJ pulls her into the room and stands her in front of him. "I'm giving you a spanking! I don't like your attitude and I don't like how you're making us late!"

Carly whines. "But baaaaabe! I said I was sorry!"

"Sorry isn't cutting it. You're need a punishment and you need it right now." CJ sits on the bed and pulls Carly over his lap, lifting her dress revealing her pink panties.

"Babe come on!" Carly fights back, trying to pull her dress back down.

CJ slaps her hand away and wraps his arm around her waist. "I won't come on! You need an attitude adjustment!" He begins spanking her hard.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Babe! Ow! CJ stop it!" She whines as her bottom starts to sting. She feels defeated knowing that once she's over his lap, there was no escaping.

CJ keeps spanking hard, alternating cheeks as he slaps. "Now we have a good reason for being late! I should make you explain to my parents why we were so late!"

Carly's face blushes with embarrassment, thinking of having to tell his parents she get her butt whooped. "Nooo! I'm sorry!"

The spanks keep raining down on her wide butt. Carly's eyes start to feel wet as the pain increases. She stops trying to argue and just wants her punishment to be over.

CJ stops spanking and starts to pull down her panties. Carly reaches back to try to stop him. "Babe! No! We don't have time for this!"

"Oh so how that I'm beating your bare ass you wanna be time conscious?" He smacks her hand away and yanks her panties down to her knees.

The spanks come down on her bare butt that cause tears to start escape from Carly's eyes. She whines as her bottom is spanked red. She begins to feel bad for her actions and wishes she could take back what she said a few moments ago. She also wishes she would've gotten ready sooner so they could be in the car on the way to meet his parents and not getting spanked.

CJ continues spanking her for a few moments until she has had enough. He stops spanking and rubs her bottom a little. "Now I want you to hold your dress up and go stand in the corner."

Carly stands up rubbing her butt. "But we're late."

"I know we're late. But I told you to go stand in the corner! And don't rub your ass!"

She quickly nods her head and goes into her usual spot in the corner. She holds up her dress to let her red bottom show, her pink panties now at her ankles. She stands there and cries quietly.

After a few moments CJ stands up. "Alright turn around."

Carly turns and faces him.

"I told them that I had to fix the sink and that we're going to be late. So I covered your ass just this time."

Carly sniffles and nods her head. "Thank you, sir. I'm sorry CJ."

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for making us late and back talking."

"You're gonna start listening to me when I tell you to get ready right?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Because next time I won't go so easy on you. You already know I don't like to be late to places."

"Yes sir. I'm sorry."

CJ pulls her in for a hug. They hug tightly for a few seconds before he lets her pull her panties up. He helps her fix her hair a little bit to make her look more presentable, and clean her face up to make it look like she wasn't crying.

"Alright. Now let's get a move on before I find another reason to spank you."

Carly smiles and nods.

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