Moved In

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About a year had gone by, and when it came time for CJ to renew the lease to his apartment, he had asked Carly to move in with him. She, of course, excitingly agreed.

The day had come for her to move in. She had boxes scattered around the apartment, containing clothes, smaller furniture, and other decorations she wanted to bring from her parent's house.

She was kneeling down on her knees, digging through a box of clothes. CJ had entered the door, seeing her still unpacking. "Man, my apartment was so nice and clean before you moved all of your stuff here." He teases her.

Carly turns her head and smiles at him. "It'll be clean again! I just gotta get everything unpacked and put away. Then it'll truly feel like a home with me here!"

CJ smiles. "Well I'm definitely glad to have you moving in with me. Getting to wake up to your beautiful face everyday."

Carly grins at the gesture, turning back to dig clothes out of the box. CJ peeks down, noticing dark blue lace peeking over her grey sweatpants. He creeps up behind her, slowly reaching his hand down to grab her panties.

Before she realizes, she feels her lacy underwear shoot up her butt. "Ow! Hey!" She yells out, reaching back to try to stop him.

CJ laughs. "Haha, there's plenty more where that came from, sugar!" He gives another hard pull before he lets go, leaving her panties bunched over her sweats.

Carly stands up, turning to face him as she stuffs her panties back into her pants. "Oh, so you think now that I've moved in you can just give me wedgies every day huh?"

CJ gave her a cocky grin. "Well not everyday. Just days when you wear underwear." He laughs giving her a kiss.

She groans as she finally adjusts her panties the way they were. "I'm gonna have to be careful around you. Gonna have to invest in some more belts."

"More belts? Just more things for me to spank you with!" CJ teases her.

Carly blushes when he says that.

CJ gives her another kiss on the head. "Get finished unpacking your clothes, I'll order us some pizza for dinner tonight."

~~~Author's Note~~~

Hey all! I still get notifications on this story almost daily and want to say thank you for checking it out. Between writer's block, working on other stories, and just overall life, I hadn't come back to this for a bit, but hope to continue this story a bit longer and maybe come to a satisfying conclusion. Be sure to watch for a new chapter (that may already be out) and check out my other stories!

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