Hotel Maintenance Part 1

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Carley and CJ went out of state for the weekend and were staying in a hotel. It was the last day and they were planning on driving home on Monday. Carly finished getting ready for lunch, touching up her makeup and smoothing out her black dress.

She walks back out into the bed area and sees CJ with a black polo tucked into dark blue jeans. "Ooo you're looking handsome!" She says going up to him for a kiss.

He kisses her and gives a grin. "I dress to impress." He says, placing his hands on her hips swaying back and forth. "But you know what today is right?"

"Yeah it's Sunday, why?"

"Sunday...punishment day."

Carly's heart sank. He really wasn't going to punish her on vacation was he?" But babe. We're having a good time on vacation! And I've been good lately!"

"You have been good, but we agreed that you'd be spanked on Sundays. And today is no exception."

Carly whines. "Not far."

CJ shakes his head. "I think it is far. You're the one who asked for this regularly."

"W-well can we just do it tonight?"

CJ thinks for a second. "You know what? I think I'll give you half of your punishment now. So that way you'll have a nice red bottom while we're out. And then I'll finish the job when we get back tonight."

Carly gets goosebumps thinking about having to walk around with a sore red butt. She wanted to protest, but just drops her head. "Fine. Okay sir."

CJ smiles and kisses Carly's head. "I'm just going to give you a nice hand spanking for now. You ready to get this over with?"

She nods her head. "Yes sir."

CJ leads her to the bed and lays her over his lap with her face towards the window.

"See? And you get a nice view of the city too." He teases her.

Carly smirks a little. "Well, it's better than the city getting a nice view of me."

They both chuckle a bit. CJ lifts up Carly's dress, revealing her pink cheeky panties. He rubs his hand up and down her tan bottom and legs before he begins to spank her.

Carly begins to whine after the first few spanks. She tries to distract herself from the pain by looking out the window at the downtown area they were in, but it didn't help. CJs strong hand made her bottom sting, even over her panties.

CJ keeps spanking hard as Carly tries to stop herself from kicking her feet. He spanks for a bit longer before taking down her panties.

Even though they were several floors up, Carly felt embarrassed and exposed having her bare butt out near an open window.

CJ rubs her warm bottom. "Your ass almost matches your panties."

Carly smiles. "Maybe I gave you sometime to compare it to."

"Oh so you knew you were getting spanked today? So you wore pink panties?" He teases her.

Carly grunts. "Well, no!"

CJ chuckles. "Well if you really wanted me to have sometime to compare to, you should've brought red panties."

Carly blushed and whined at the comment. CJ stops rubbing her and continues spanking her hard. She jolts at the first smack which is followed by "ow! Ow! Mm! Ow!" At each hard swat. She squirms around, feeling her panties fall from her thighs down to her ankles.

CJ lands a few hard swats before taking a short break. "I'm sure you'll be on your best behavior tonight after this?"

"Hmmm, yes sir."

"Good girl." He says with a smile before resuming the hard swats.

"Eep!" Carly yelps out at the sudden smacks that return.

She keeps whining and squirming at the rapid fire hard smacks CJ delivers for the next couple of minutes before he finally stops and rubs her butt.

Carly breathes heavily as his hand soothes her bottom. She holds back tears trying not to mess up her make up.

"You think that's enough for now?" CJ asks her.

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." She quickly replies, just wanting to get it over with.

He rubs her bottom a little more before giving 2 more playful smacks. "Yeah, I'm starving. We should save the fun for later."

She smiles as he helps her up. She rubs her butt for a few seconds before sliding her panties back up. CJ stands and gives her a hug. Carly hugs back for a little before they pull away.

"Ready to get lunch m'lady?" He asks.

Carly grins and nods. "I've been ready!"

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